Eventbrite API Delay with New Registrants: Zapier Integration

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Corey William Schneider

Feb 22, 2021, 2:37:02 PM2/22/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Hi There,

Background: I use Zapier to connect Eventbrite events with the corresponding Webinar Room (via Livestorm) — the zap passes over registrant information to Livestorm so the program can email the guest back their webinar link.

Problem: However, beginning last Friday, a very large amount of people did not get their links to events — after investigating, I noticed they were never passed through Zapier, and thus, did not get their links. 

Potential Root of Issue: Looking into it further today after the same issue happened to today's event, I believe I narrowed in on the issue: new registrants are not getting passed over immediately to Zapier — rather, a registrant will not be sent to Zapier for an hour and 15 minutes (I'm timing it based on recorded time of registering on eventbrite, and when zapier receives it).

I look forward to your thoughts.

Thank You,

Jeff Chandler

Feb 22, 2021, 2:43:05 PM2/22/21
to Eventbrite Developers
I think I'm seeing a similar issue.   Webhooks from Eventbrite seemed to have gone silent earlier this morning.  Do you have any webhooks setup?  I'd be interested to know if you don't see any activity from them.  

Corey William Schneider

Feb 22, 2021, 2:45:04 PM2/22/21
to Eventbrite Developers
I don't have any webhooks set up, but maybe the issues are indeed related! Hopefully, a fix can be implemented :)

Eventbrite Developers

Feb 26, 2021, 5:53:49 PM2/26/21
to Eventbrite Developers

Hi Corey,

The webhooks delay issue we experienced did indeed impact data retrieval from Zapier. The cause of the webhooks delay has been identified and fixes have been applied. We expect the problem to be solved in the next several hours. If you continue to experience an issue, please let us know via this forum. Thank you for your patience. 

Corey William Schneider

Feb 27, 2021, 11:11:32 PM2/27/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Thank you for your message — everything appears to be working as expected now, thank you for providing the fix.

Sharon Harvey

Mar 1, 2021, 12:33:10 PM3/1/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Hi - we are still waiting for API calls from last week to arrive, and new events from today are not posting.   I am experiencing this in three different Eventbrite accounts. 

Corey William Schneider

Mar 1, 2021, 12:50:08 PM3/1/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Unfortunately, while it seemed it was working in real-time on Saturday, it looks like the delay is now back up to an hour late.

vfxrio webmaster

Mar 3, 2021, 6:28:18 PM3/3/21
to Eventbrite Developers
please let me know if there is any news? looks that webhooks are not not working again.
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