Zoom Event URL API issue

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Vasilii Ponomaryov

Aug 4, 2021, 8:01:22 AM8/4/21
to Eventbrite Developers

We have a problem with retrieving the Zoom Event URL via API. The URL is created in the Online Events Page settings of the event using the "Add live video or audio" function.

However, when we try to GET it via API using the https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/{event_id}/structured_content/?purpose=digital_content endpoint, we get the "object_count": 0 response in the magination and empty modules array. Response example:

    "resource_uris": {
    "access_type": "not-apply",
    "hide_virtual_venue_content": false,
    "page_version_number": "17",
    "purpose": "digital_content",
    "modules": [],
    "pagination": {
        "object_count": 0,
        "page_number": 1,
        "page_size": 50,
        "page_count": 1

We tried to check the availability of the digital content by expanding the GET event request.

"has_digital_content": {
        "has_digital_content": true,
        "digital_content_url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/x/vast-test-2-registration-1234567890",
        "digital_content_relative_url": "/x/vast-test-2-registration- 1234567890 "

And it should be available.

Thank you for your help!

Vasilii Ponomaryov

Aug 9, 2021, 8:49:51 AM8/9/21
to Eventbrite Developers
I think that the issue is with the deprecated documentation which doesn't reflect the updated features of the Online Event Page.

This is what described in the API docs regarding the digital links feature.


However, the updated interface looks like this


Vasilii Ponomaryov

Aug 17, 2021, 2:35:28 AM8/17/21
to Eventbrite Developers

Can someone help with this issue please?

Thank you!


Sep 7, 2021, 2:16:33 PM9/7/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Hi Vasilii!

I am not able to reproduce the issue and will need to look into your events further. Can you please provide a specific event ID that returns "object_count": 0 when you call https://www.eventbriteapi.com/v3/events/{event_id}/structured_content/?purpose=digital_content?

I look forward to helping out!


Vasilii Ponomaryov

Sep 8, 2021, 5:47:26 AM9/8/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Hi Natalie,

Event ID - 165903631227.

Thank you!

Natalie Blikslager

Sep 9, 2021, 2:32:50 PM9/9/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Thanks for your follow up, Vasilii!

Are you using the private token for an API key associated with an account that has access to this event, as your authorization? I am able to reproduce the issue if I authenticate the request with a private token that doesn't have access to the organization that owns the event. 

--header 'Authorization: Bearer <PRIVATE TOKEN>'

If you're making these requests on behalf of another organization(s), check out these steps to authorize your users. Otherwise, if you're making requests for your own organization, you can simply use the private token for your API key to authenticate requests. Your private token can be found in your Account Settings under Developer Links > API Keys > Show API key, client secret and tokens.

Let me know if this doesn't resolve the issue so I can take another look!

Vasilii Ponomaryov

Sep 10, 2021, 1:56:30 AM9/10/21
to Eventbrite Developers
Hi Natalie,

You are right, the issue was with the public token. When are using the private token everything works like a charm.

Thanks a million for your help!
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