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Jul 18, 2019, 10:52:04 PM7/18/19
to Eventbrite Developers
Summarize Problem:

I have successfully got the aws upload token but I am not able to upload the file. it gives me access denied error.

What have you already tried?

{ "upload_token": "aW1hZ2UtZXZlbnQtbG9nb3xldmVudGJyaXRlLXVwbG9hZGVyLWluY29taW5nLXByb2R8ODczOWU5M2I4NmJkNGYyOS4yMDE5MDcxOC0yMzEzNTY=", "crop_mask": { "width": 1740, "height": 870, "top_left": { "y": 0, "x": 105 } } }

but I am getting following in response:

    "status_code": 401,
    "error_description": "CSRF Failed: Referer checking failed - no Referer.",
    "error": "ACCESS_DENIED"
Describe the expected results:

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