New endpoint: Event Questions (see what information an event is collecting during registration)

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Mitch Colleran

Jan 21, 2015, 11:56:17 PM1/21/15
Hey everyone! 

This is the beginning of a very big few weeks of announcements for us at Eventbrite! So, stay tuned to this forum and/or make sure you're following us on

Description: On the Eventbrite platform, we allow for event organizers to customize the flow that attendees go through when processing an "Order" for an event. Since the most common use case of the API is to sync the information collected during this Order flow to 3rd party sources (CRMs, ESPs, ERPs, and other three letter acronym services...), we received a lot of requests for being able to pull the information that an event organizer might be collecting during the registration flow. 

Here are the developer docs for the endpoint:

And for the related "question" object:

In the upcoming weeks, we'll be launching Webhooks, a new Developer Center, and an exciting new way to develop for the Eventbrite platform -- stay tuned! 

Serena Lorenzini

Feb 22, 2016, 9:02:07 AM2/22/16
to Eventbrite API
Hello Mitch!

This new feature is extremely helpful, thanks for sharing the news!

I am having some troubles in trying to retrieve the "question" object and I was wondering if you could help.
I can access "/events/:id/canned_questions/" endpoint and the correct list of questions related to my event, but when I try to access a question from this list I get a 404 error.

Just for the record, this question is "

I am making http requests via python request module.

Maybe I am missing something or maybe the question object is not complete/retrievable for some reason?


Eventbrite API

Feb 22, 2016, 6:00:49 PM2/22/16
to Eventbrite API
Hi Serena, 

The /events/:id/questions/ endpoint seems to be working properly right now. Can you show us how you are making the call? 

Serena Lorenzini

Feb 23, 2016, 3:02:17 AM2/23/16
to Eventbrite API
Hi and thanks for replying.

Sure, via python request module:
response = requests.get(
        "" % event_id,
                headers = {
                            "Authorization": "Bearer %s"  % token

                    verify = True,
and the response I get is a <Response [404]>

Alternatively by browsing the url:

and I get a 404 as well.

Just to be clear:
The only way I can see the list of questions is through /events/:id/canned_questions/, not /events/:id/questions/. That said, urls referring to a single questions use "questions" endpoint.

Malina Wiesen

Feb 23, 2016, 2:51:40 PM2/23/16
to Eventbrite API

Hi Serena,

A GET request to the questions endpoint, will not accept a question name (tax_registration_id) as a parameter. That endpoint returns a list of questions associated with the event at the event_id provided. Unfortunately, the 404 is expected behavior in this case.

Is your goal to parse through all events for the tax_registration_id responses? If so, you can certainly do that with the canned_questions endpoint. You would receive all of the canned questions in the response and then you could grab the question object with the id "tax_registration_id" 

Serena Lorenzini

Feb 23, 2016, 4:10:06 PM2/23/16
to Eventbrite API
Hi Malina,

the documentation says the questions endpoint accept a question id"

GET /events/:id/questions/:id/

This endpoint will return question for a specific question id.

and the only id I can see related to these questions is their name. Am I wrong?

My goal is to parse through all the events for the questions indeed, and canned_questions seemed the answer. The problem is that these questions are empty dictionaries. I can see field names as keys but values are empty (and I know they are not, I can see fields filled using event manager interface). 

Moreover, the canned_question endpoint suggests to make GET requests to questions using question name, in fact each object in the canned questions json response contains an url like event/id/questions/question_name

I am getting lost.

What should I do to see questions and answers of an event?


Malina Wiesen

Feb 23, 2016, 4:39:41 PM2/23/16
to Eventbrite API
Hey Serena,

I think we have two point of confusion here. First, we are talking about three different endpoints. 

1) /canned_questions
2) /questions
3) /questions/:id

Second, questions and canned_questions are completely separate things. 

To get canned_questions, you must use the canned_questions endpoint. The canned_questions endpoint does not accept and :id as a GET parameter.

You want to get a canned_question by id where the id is "tax_registration_id" and unfortunately you cannot do this. 

You are correct that there is an endpoint that let's you get questions by id and that the id of the tax id canned question is "tax_registration_id". 

I do apologize for the confusion. We can certainly do a better job of documenting how these things work and that is something that we are actively working on. 

When it comes to the responses of the questions, you are also correct. We are not providing that data. I just realized that myself. And I apologize for the misleading post that I left earlier indicating that you would be able to get the responses with the canned_questions endpoint. 

I can add this to our backlog of API feature requests for you but I can't speak to how long it will take for the change to take place. 

Serena Lorenzini

Feb 24, 2016, 2:33:53 AM2/24/16
to Eventbrite API

I see. I do appreciate your support and hope to see this feature working 100% in the future.

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