Deprecation Notice: Event Description 'event.description'

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Eventbrite Developers

Dec 1, 2020, 3:53:49 PM12/1/20
to Eventbrite Developers

What's changing?

The Event object we use currently has both a summary field and a description field. Both fields currently hold the same data: A brief summary of an event no longer than 140 characters. We will be removing the description field from the Event object, and will instead only accept requests and send responses with the optional summary field. 

Note: To work with the full HTML event description (summary + description), you will need to implement the following:

To create/update the full HTML event description:

  1. Create/update the event summary on the Event object ('event.summary'): POST /v3/organizations/:organization_id/events/ (create), or POST /v3/events/:event_id/ (update)

  2. Retrieve the Latest Published Version of Structured Content: GET /v3/events/:event_id/structured_content/

  3. Increment the version number returned ("page_version_number")

  4. Set Structured Content: POST /events/:event_id/structured_content/:version/

To retrieve the full HTML event description:

  1. Retrieve the Full HTML Description: GET /v3/events/id/description/ 

When do these changes take effect?

Beginning March 1st, 2021 any API requests which read or write to the 'event.description' field will return an error. 

Which endpoints are impacted?

What changes need to be made?

  • Ensure that your application can handle API requests and responses which include the ‘event.summary’ field 

  • If you are currently using the ‘description.text’ or ‘description.html’ fields of the Event object, use the `event.summary` field (plain text and limited to 140 chars) instead

  • Ensure you are retrieving the full HTML event description content (formerly ‘event.description.html’) by calling the /v3/events/:id/description/ endpoint

  • If you are not already doing so, implement the use of Structured Content to create the event description content as detailed below

How to add an in-depth description to an event:

Eventbrite no longer stores the full HTML description as a field on the Event object. Full HTML descriptions are created and updated using Structured Content modules. For a complete guide to this process, please review Creating an Event Description.


The Eventbrite API Team

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