Tags not accessible via API?

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Jared Cuffe

Feb 21, 2020, 6:37:41 PM2/21/20
to Eventbrite Developers
Summarize Problem:

In order to work around the short list of pre-defined categories that are built in, we are attempting to utilize "Tags" on events to allow our users to sort and filter in our client app.

While it is straightforward to add tags to an event in the EventBrite admin interface, there seems to be no way to retrieve the tags for an event using the API.

What have you already tried?

- Adding a `tags`/`tag` expansion

Describe the expected results:

When I fetch an event using the API, I expect to see any tags associated with the event. Alternatively, I expect there to be an optional expansion that will retrieve tags, or an additional resource, "Tags", that is referenced by the event the way that categories are currently implemented.

Nathan Tinius

Mar 2, 2020, 12:49:23 PM3/2/20
to Eventbrite Developers
Hey Jared! 

Unfortunately, Tags have not been built into our API yet. 

At this point in time you can access our category and sub-category fields. I am sorry I don't have a better offering for you at this point in time. 

Eventbrite External Developer Support


Jun 5, 2020, 1:15:17 PM6/5/20
to Eventbrite Developers
Hello Nathan,

This is very disappointing, surely it can't be that difficult to provide access to tags in the API? Even a plain text list would be useful - right now if we are pulling in a list of events remotely there is no way of categorising these outside of Eventbrites very fixed list of categories and subcategories. That's a massive issue for us and I'm sure for others looking through this group.

Can you tell me where this request sits on your development roadmap (if at all) and if/when might it be added? It seems a massive limitation at present for any organisation using Eventbrite to power event booking and listing but wishing to pull these into their own website/service. There is effectively no way of categorising these events particularly if all events would sit in the same category & subcategory in your pre-defined list.


Emily Wilson

Jul 7, 2020, 10:40:16 AM7/7/20
to Eventbrite Developers
Hi Nathan,
Echoing Andy's disappointment below - Tags are the only place in the user interface where users can add consistent attributes to events that aren't pre-defined by Eventbrite, and for those of us pulling Eventbrite data into our own services, this is a huge limitation. Please share where this sits on your development roadmap.


Alan Fuller

Jul 7, 2021, 1:14:30 PM7/7/21
to Eventbrite Developers
I also have a few  site owners asking for this.
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