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new etm-dgraham

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Aug 4, 2019, 8:09:40 PM8/4/19
to Event and Task Manager
Even though the current etmtk (3.2.38) serves my needs I gave
the new "etm-dgraham" (4.0.0b3) a try under Ubuntu 18.04 using
the python virtual environment "Installation" instructions at

It seems to work as advertised but fyi here are some issues
I had.

1.  When I did:  pip install -U etm-dgraham, I got:
        ERROR: update 0.0.1 has requirement style==1.1.0, \
        but you'll have style 1.1.6 which is incompatible.

2.  When I ran "deactivate" (after I was done trying it), I got
        bash: $1: unbound variable
    Because I guess in "env/bin/activate"
        if [ ! "$1" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
    should be:
        if [ ! "${1:-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then

3.  It wasn't immediately obvious to me that if wanted to
    keep the virtual directory but restore my environment
    ($PATH) I needed to run "deactivate" and if I wanted
    to use it again I just needed to go to the virtual
    directory again and run "activate' again.  A note about
    what activate and deactivate do might be helpful.

4.  It would have been helpful in the "editor" if the help
    mentioned I needed to enter " @" when finished with the
    summary to set the next field.  (I had to bring up
    the tutorial video to see what to do.)

5.  Is there (or will there be) a tool to convert old .txt
    data files to to the new db.json format?  Is there
    documentation for the new format?

Daniel Graham

Aug 5, 2019, 11:50:03 AM8/5/19
Thanks for the feedback. I’ve inserted specific comments below.

-- Dan
On Aug 4, 2019, 8:09 PM -0400,, wrote:

1.  When I did:  pip install -U etm-dgraham, I got:
        ERROR: update 0.0.1 has requirement style==1.1.0, \
        but you'll have style 1.1.6 which is incompatible. 

pip tries to install all the dependencies from Since the requirement in setup is for "style>=1.1.0” this shouldn’t raise a problem. I have style 1.1.5 myself and no error is raised for me.  

2.  When I ran "deactivate" (after I was done trying it), I got
        bash: $1: unbound variable
    Because I guess in "env/bin/activate"
        if [ ! "$1" = "nondestructive" ] ; then
    should be:
        if [ ! "${1:-}" = "nondestructive" ] ; then 

activate and deactivate are created by python itself and have nothing to do with etm.  I can’t duplicate this. Are you running either
 $ source env/bin/activate
 $ . env/bin/activate
to start the virtual environment and then calling deactivate from the same terminal and directory?

3.  It wasn't immediately obvious to me that if wanted to
    keep the virtual directory but restore my environment
    ($PATH) I needed to run "deactivate" and if I wanted
    to use it again I just needed to go to the virtual
    directory again and run "activate' again.  A note about
    what activate and deactivate do might be helpful. 

Thanks, I’ll add an explanation.

4.  It would have been helpful in the "editor" if the help
    mentioned I needed to enter " @" when finished with the
    summary to set the next field.  (I had to bring up
    the tutorial video to see what to do.) 

I’ll do this for the next release. The entry format is almost exactly the same as for the current version of etm, i.e., 

 type character followed by item summary followed by @-key value entries.

5.  Is there (or will there be) a tool to convert old .txt
    data files to to the new db.json format?  Is there
    documentation for the new format? 

I’ll do a tutorial for this soon. The steps are
  • In the current etm (3.2.38) under TOOLS there is a command “Export to JSON”. This will export all of the items in your active calendars to a file called “etm-db.json”  in your etm data directory.
  • In the new etm, pressing F7 will open an import file dialog. Entering the full path to “etm-db.json” will import all of these items into the new etm. 


Aug 6, 2019, 1:46:13 PM8/6/19
to Event and Task Manager
    > activate and deactivate are created by python itself and have
    > nothing to do with etm.  I can't duplicate this. Are you running either
    > $ source env/bin/activate
I did "source env/bin/activate" but the error message
only occurred for "deactivate" (not activate).  I am
using 'bash' and 'echo $-' shows "himuBHs" where the 'u'
implies treat unset variables and parameters' as errors.
If I do "set +u" it turns off that option and there is
no error message with "deactivate".  You are probably
using a different shell and/or have the 'u' option
turned off.  So I guess it's a python virtual environment
bug and in env/bin/activate:

    if [ ! "$1" = "nondestructive" ]
should be
    if [ ! "${1:-}" = "nondestructive" ]
(which is a good idea in general).

Daniel Graham

Aug 6, 2019, 2:32:16 PM8/6/19
Thanks. You absolutely right, my echo $- shows himBH without the u. 

-- Dan
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