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Nov 24, 2019, 10:36:08 AM11/24/19
to Event and Task Manager
In etm3, @a gives an alert which pushes through to the current screen.  In etm4, @a brings up a "list of alerts".  /any suggestion of how I can get alerts to "push through" in etm4?

Daniel Graham

Nov 24, 2019, 10:49:20 AM11/24/19
to 'stef' via Event and Task Manager
Open cfg.yaml in your etm directory, study the section on alerts and make the appropriate entries. Here is the relevant section:

# alerts: A dictionary with single-character, "alert" keys and 
# corresponding "system command" values. Note that characters 
# "t" (text message) and "e" (email) are already used.  The 
# "system command" string should be a comand with any 
# applicable arguments that could be run in a terminal
# Properties of the item triggering the alert can be included 
# in the command arguments using the syntax '{property}', e.g., 
# {summary} in the command string would be replaced by the 
# summary of the item. Similarly {start} by the starting time, 
# {when} by the time remaining until the starting time, 
# {location} by the @l entry and {description} by the @d entry. 
# E.g., If the event "* sales meeting @s 2019-02-12 3p" 
# triggered an alert 30 minutes before the starting time the 
# string "{summary} {when}" would expand to "sales meeting in 
# 30 minutes". E.g. on my macbook
#    alerts:
#       v: /usr/bin/say -v "Alex" "{summary}, {when}"
#       ...
# would make the alert 'v' use the builtin text to speech sytem 
# to speak the item's summary followed by a slight pause 
# (the comma) and then the time remaining until the starting 
# time, e.g., "sales meeting in 20 minutes".

You should test your system commands by actually making sure that they run in a terminal. 

Once you have a working command set up, say for “v”, then you can enter an alert using the command, e.g., as

* event @s tue 9a @a 1h, 20m: v

-- Dan

On Nov 24, 2019, at 10:36 AM, lawquest <> wrote:

In etm3, @a gives an alert which pushes through to the current screen.  In etm4, @a brings up a "list of alerts".  /any suggestion of how I can get alerts to "push through" in etm4?

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Dec 17, 2019, 2:20:35 PM12/17/19
to Event and Task Manager
In both old and new, alerts are configured in the settings files - old: etmtk.cfg and new: cfg.yaml. Setting up a voice command, for example:

Old: to use "v" in alert entries required "alert_voicecmd" to be specified in etmtk.cfg

alert_voicecmd: /usr/bin/say -v "Alex" "!summary!, !when!"

New: to use "v" in alert entries requires "v" to be specified in cfg.yaml:

  v: /usr/bin/say -v "Alex" "{summary}, {when}"

The change is minimal - the template expansions summary and when are wrapped in exclamation marks in the old and curly brackets in the  new. In both cases, the command with templates expanded should run at a command prompt:

$ /usr/bin/say -v "Alex" "my summary, in 15 minutes" 
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