tac_plus-ng : ldap auth working , but local tacacs account not working

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sergiu daniel

Jun 4, 2024, 3:23:21 PMJun 4
to Event-Driven Servers
I am strugling with an issue for the last 2 days.
Based on my config , I am able to connect via ldap ad account, but when I use the local defined user which resides on the tacacs-ng config , it does not work.
I am not able to identify my issue.
Version: 51a7dfaa20a2ff5eccec5e26825d34e6acde3e69/PCRE2/CRYPTO/ARES/CURL/SSL
I appreciate any help or guidance, thank you.
I have the above configuration set up:
id = spawnd {
        listen = { port = 49 }
        spawn = {
                instances min = 1
                instances max = 10
        background = yes

id = tac_plus-ng

##### LDAP-Config-Start #####
        mavis module = groups {
                groups filter = /^(CN=AdminSupport,)|(CN=NetworkSupport)$/
                memberof filter = /^(CN=AdminSupport,)|(CN=NetworkSupport)/

        mavis module = external {
        setenv LDAP_SERVER_TYPE = "microsoft"
        setenv LDAP_HOSTS = "ldaps://example.com:3269"
        setenv LDAP_SCOPE = sub
        setenv LDAP_BASE = "DC=contiwan,DC=com"
        setenv LDAP_FILTER = "(&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))"
        setenv LDAP_USER = "cn=service-account"
        setenv LDAP_PASSWD = "password123"
        setenv AD_GROUP_PREFIX = ""
        setenv FLAG_CACHE_CONNECTION = 1
        setenv FLAG_USE_MEMBEROF = 1
        exec = /usr/local/lib/mavis/mavis_tacplus-ng_ldap.pl

        login backend = mavis
        user backend = mavis
        pap backend = mavis
##### LDAP-Config-End #####

##### Host/Devices-subnets-config-file-Start #####

        device conti {
                include = /config/world.locations

#content of world.locations
#    device = local-it {
#        address =
#        welcome banner = "\nConnection by Tacacs Server ${hostname}\n"
#        key = asdasdasd
#        }

##### Host/Devices-subnets-config-file-End #####

##### Profiles-Config-Start #####
        profile admins {
                script {
                        if (service == shell) {
                                set priv-lvl = 15
                        if (service == "ciscowlc") {
                                set role1 = "ALL"
                        if (service == "cas-service") {
                        set protocol = "permit"
                        set custom-av-pair = "Role=SUPER-ADMIN-ROLE"
                        set priv-lvl = 15

        profile backups {
                script {
                        if (service == shell) {
                                set priv-lvl = 15
                        if (service == "ciscowlc") {
                                set role1 = "ALL"
                        if (service == "cas-service") {
                        set protocol = "permit"
                        set custom-av-pair = "Role=RESTAPI"
                        set priv-lvl = 15

        profile admin_LIT {
                script {
                        if (service == shell) {
                                if (cmd == "")
                                        set priv-lvl = 15
                        if (service == ciscowlc) {
                                if (cmd == "")
                                        set role1 = ALL
                        if (service == cas-service) {
                                if (cmd == "")
                                        set priv-lvl = 15
                                        set custom-av-pair="Role=LITM"

        group admins { member = admins }
        group backups { member = backups }
        group admin_LIT { member = admin_LIT }

        user = swbackup {
        password login = clear "test123"
        member = backups

        ruleset {

                rule localaccounts {
                        enabled = yes
                        script {
                                if (member == admins) { profile = admins permit }
                                if (member == backups) { profile = backups permit }

                rule scs {
                        enabled = yes
                        script {
                        if (memberof =~ /^CN=AdminSupport,/) { profile = admins permit }

                rule localit {
                        enabled = yes
                        script {
                        if (nas == local-it) { if (memberof =~ /^CN=NetworkSupport,/ ) {profile = admin_LIT permit}}

##### Rulset-Config-End #####

sergiu daniel

Jun 5, 2024, 2:15:24 AMJun 5
to Event-Driven Servers
As an update: If I move the swbackup user from group backups to group admins, then the authentication works.
If I move it back to group backups, authentication fails.

Marc Huber

Jun 6, 2024, 4:34:30 AMJun 6
to event-driv...@googlegroups.com

the "service == shell" condition from the backup profile seems
malformed. It lacks the 'if (cmd = "")' part, resulting in priv-lvl=15
being set unconditionally. I'd try adjusting this first. Please provide
some debug output if that doesn't fix the issue.



On 05.06.2024 08:15, sergiu daniel wrote:
> As an update: If I move the swbackup user from group backups to group
> admins, then the authentication works.
> If I move it back to group backups, authentication fails.
> profile backups {
>                 script {
>                         if (service == shell) {
>                                 set priv-lvl = 15
>                         permit
>                         }

sergiu daniel

Jun 6, 2024, 7:55:32 AMJun 6
to Event-Driven Servers
Hi Marc,
I also used the:
       profile backup {

                script {
                        if (service == shell) {
                                if (cmd == "") {set priv-lvl = 15 permit }

I managed to solve it (maybe it is a workaround) by using this:
                rule localaccounts {
                        enabled = yes
                        script {
                                if (user == swbackup) { profile = usertest permit }

                                if (member == admins) { profile = admins permit }
 in ruleset(bold line, simply defining user == instead of member ==).
I am not sure if this would be the normal method/behavior.
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