HOW TO: Setup tac_plus on Ubuntu 16.04 using MAVIS with Active Directory

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Nov 16, 2017, 1:38:57 PM11/16/17
to Event-Driven Servers
UPDATE 11/07/2017: There is a bug in MAVIS. If you are having trouble using LDAPS on port 636 or 3269, completely remove the USE_TLS configuration variable from your tac_plus.cfg. This will fix the problem.

This guide will walk you through setting up a TACACS+ server (using the pro-bono version of tac_plus) on Ubuntu Server 16.04 that authenticates against Active Directory. The guide assumes you are familiar with installing/configuring Ubuntu Server and can deploy a new Ubuntu server on a LAN with internet access.

Start by deploying a new Ubuntu 16.04 server with only the standard system utilities and OpenSSH server packages. You'll be ready to proceed whenever the install has completed and you have verified network connectivity to the LAN and internet.

SSH to the new server and enter the commands listed below (follow the instructions when prompted):

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt-get install build-essential libnet-ldap-perl
    cd ~
    bzip2 -dc DEVEL.tar.bz2 | tar xvfp -
    sudo make
    sudo make install
    sudo mkdir /var/log/tac_plus
    sudo mkdir /var/log/tac_plus/access
    sudo mkdir /var/log/tac_plus/accounting
    sudo mkdir /var/log/tac_plus/authentication

NOTE: /var/log/tac_plus (and the sub folders) need to have chmod 755 permissions. On Ubuntu, these permissions should be inherited from /var/log whenever you create the folders for tac_plus. If tac_plus is not logging, you'll need to verify the chmod permissions of the /var/log/tac_plus folder and adjust if necessary. You can verify the chmod permissions by running the following command:

    stat --format '%a' /var/log/tac_plus

At this point you've installed all the necessary packages to run tac_plus and the mavis authentication backend. To make sure everything was installed correctly, run the following command and compare your output:

    /usr/local/lib/mavis/ < /dev/null
    Default server type is 'tacacs_schema'. You *may* need to change that to 'generic' or 'microsoft'.
    LDAP_HOSTS not defined at /usr/local/lib/mavis/ line 277, <DATA> line 755.

If there's some error message saying "Can't locate Net/ in @INC", you'll need to double-check the commands at the beginning of the guide. Make sure they all completed successfully without any errors. If your output matches the above, continue on and enter the following commands:

    cd /usr/local/etc
    sudo touch tac_plus.cfg
    sudo chmod 755 tac_plus.cfg
    sudo nano tac_plus.cfg

After typing in the commands listed above, you find yourself in nano editing an empty tac_plus.cfg. It's now time to configure tac_plus to talk to your Active Directory environment. My example config is shown below. Modify it to suit your needs and save it to /usr/local/etc/tac_plus.cfg (requires chmod 755)

You'll also need to create an Active Directory service account for tac_plus to use to query Active Directory. I would suggest creating an account called "svc_tacplus" and only make it a member of "Domain Users". I would also recommend disabling password expiration (pretty standard practice for AD service accounts).

    id = spawnd {
            listen = { address = port = 49 }
            #Uncomment the line below for IPv6 support
            #listen = { address = :: port = 49 }
            spawn = {
                    instances min = 1
                    instances max = 10
            background = yes

    id = tac_plus {
            access log = /var/log/tac_plus/access/%Y/%m/access-%m-%d-%Y.txt
            accounting log = /var/log/tac_plus/accounting/%Y/%m/accounting-%m-%d-%Y.txt
            authentication log = /var/log/tac_plus/authentication/%Y/%m/authentication-%m-%d-%Y.txt

            mavis module = external {
                    setenv LDAP_SERVER_TYPE = "microsoft"
                    #If you are using Microsoft Global Catalog with secure LDAP (SSL)
                    #setenv LDAP_HOSTS = "ldaps://"
                    #If you are using Microsoft Global Catalog with regular LDAP (non-SSL)
                    setenv LDAP_HOSTS = ""
                    setenv LDAP_BASE = "DC=domain,DC=name"
                    setenv LDAP_SCOPE = sub
                    setenv LDAP_FILTER = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName=%s))"
                    setenv LDAP_USER = ""
                    setenv LDAP_PASSWD = "ServiceAccountPassword"
                    #Setting UNLIMIT_AD_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP to 0 will cause a NACK response if the AD account is a member of more than one security group
                    setenv UNLIMIT_AD_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP = 1
                    #I'm not 100% sure what EXPAND_AD_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP does
                    setenv EXPAND_AD_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP = 0
                    #Clear default setting of tacplus for AD_GROUP_PREFIX
                    setenv AD_GROUP_PREFIX = ""
                    #Setting REQUIRE_TACACS_GROUP_PREFIX to 1 will cause a NACK response if the AD account is not a member of a security group with the required prefix
                    setenv REQUIRE_TACACS_GROUP_PREFIX = 0
                    #setenv USE_TLS = 0
                    exec = /usr/local/lib/mavis/

            login backend = mavis
            user backend = mavis
            pap backend = mavis

            host = world {
                    #Allow any IPv4 device
                    address =

                    #Uncomment the line below for IPv6 support
                    #address = ::/0
                    #Uncomment the line below to inject a login prompt
                    #prompt = "Put your custom welcome message here.\n"

                    #Change this to your own secure TACACS+ key
                    key = "cisco"
            #Example group that grants admin on Cisco IOS/XE/XR and NX-OS
            group = admin {
                    #Permit all services by default
                    default service = permit

                    #Users will need to re-enter their AD password for the enable password (feel free to customize this however you want)
                    enable = login

                    service = shell {
                            #Permit all commands
                            default command = permit

                            #Permit all command attributes
                            default attribute = permit
                            #Set privilege level to 15 on IOS/XE
                            set priv-lvl = 15

                            #Uncomment the line below for NX-OS support
                            #set shell:roles="\"network-admin vdc-admin\""
                            #Uncomment the line below for IOS XR support
                            #set task = "#root-system"

            #Example AD user mapping
            user = jsmith {
                    password = mavis
                    member = admin

Cisco AAA TACACS+ NOTES: Do not uncomment the NX-OS / IOS XR custom attributes if you do not need them. This will give your tac_plus server the highest compatibility possible. Many older IOS versions (especially any version <12.2) will not work with a TACACS+ server that sends additional attributes. For example, a Cisco 2950 switch can only run IOS 12.1 and will not work with tac_plus if tac_plus is configured to send NX-OS / IOS XR attributes. If everything appears to be configured correctly and you're still having trouble, try upgrading your Cisco device to the latest IOS image it can run. Cisco's support site will provide you with the recommended version for any device that is not obsolete.

After you've saved your tac_plus.cfg file, it's now time to test it. Run the following command and make sure there are no errors:

    /usr/local/sbin/tac_plus -P /usr/local/etc/tac_plus.cfg

If tac_plus reports any errors, you'll need to edit the tac_plus.cfg file again and correct the errors. Do not proceed further in the guide until you've corrected all errors. See for a complete configuration reference. You may also want to view the file /usr/local/lib/mavis/ for a detailed explanation of the LDAP variables.

Once your tac_plus.cfg file is error free, you'll want to verify your Active Directory configuration is correct. Run the following command to test it (replace SomeUserName / SomeUserPassword with the username and password of the Active Directory account you want to test):

    /usr/local/bin/mavistest -d -1 /usr/local/etc/tac_plus.cfg tac_plus TACPLUS SomeUserName SomeUserPassword

    {mavistest debug output omitted}

    Input attribute-value-pairs:
    TYPE                TACPLUS
    TIMESTAMP           mavistest-2501-1509172787-0
    USER                SomeUserName
    PASSWORD            SomeUserPassword
    TACTYPE             AUTH

    Output attribute-value-pairs:
    TYPE                TACPLUS
    TIMESTAMP           mavistest-2501-1509172787-0
    USER                SomeUserName
    RESULT              ACK
    PASSWORD            SomeUserPassword
    SERIAL              QrWVmlId0OZADDRU/hy/pw=
    DBPASSWORD          SomeUserPassword
    TACMEMBER           [List of Active Directory security groups]
    TACTYPE             AUTH

Look specifically at the RESULT value. If you got ACK that means your Active Directory query was successful. If you got NACK, BFD, or ERR...that means something went wrong. You'll want to double-check your Active Directory environment variables in the tac_plus.cfg file. A handy tool that might help you correctly configure the environment variables is LDAP Browser: Do not proceed further until you can run the mavistest and get an ACK result on one or more Active Directory accounts.

The last steps are the easiest. We just need to set the tac_plus daemon to start on boot, and to start the tac_plus service itself. Run the following commands:

    cd /etc/init.d
    sudo cp ~/PROJECTS/tac_plus/extra/etc_init.d_tac_plus /etc/init.d/tac_plus
    sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/tac_plus
    sudo chown root:root /etc/init.d/tac_plus
    sudo update-rc.d tac_plus defaults
    sudo service tac_plus start

The above commands install the tac_plus init.d script so that the tac_plus service will start at boot. It also starts the tac_plus service manually so you don't have to reboot to start using your new TACACS+ server. To verify the tac_plus service started successfully, run the following command:

    sudo netstat -tulpen

    Active Internet connections (only servers)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       User       Inode       PID/Program name
    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      0          25680       1911/tac_plus: 0 co
    tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      0          16105       1023/sshd
    tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      0          16113       1023/sshd

If you see tac_plus listening on TPC port 49, the tac_plus service is running and you are ready to begin pointing all of your TACACS+ enabled devices at your new TACACS+ server. If you don't see output similar to what's shown above, you'll need to double-check everything and locate/correct the problem.

If you make any changes to /usr/local/etc/tac_plus.cfg, you'll need to restart the tac_plus service before they will take effect. See below for an example:

    sudo nano /usr/local/etc/tac_plus.cfg
    sudo service tac_plus stop
    sudo service tac_plus start

If tac_plus fails to start, it means there are errors in your tac_plus.cfg file. You'll need to correct them before the service will start again. The following commands can help you identify the error(s) in your tac_plus.cfg file:

    sudo systemctl status tac_plus.service
    sudo journalctl -xe
    /usr/local/sbin/tac_plus -P /usr/local/etc/tac_plus.cfg

Hopefully you found this guide helpful. If you find any mistakes or anything that's hard to follow, please let me know. I sat down and wrote this guide because I had to go through several other guides / blogs to find all the information I needed to configure tac_plus for my environment.

Listed below are some Cisco AAA configuration examples for easy reference:

Environment variables from

        One of: generic tacacs_schema microsoft
        Default: tacacs_schema

        Space-separated list of LDAP URLs or IP addresses or hostnames
        Examples: "ldap01 ldap02", "ldaps://ads01:636 ldaps://ads02:636"

        LDAP search scope (base, one, sub)
        Default: sub

        Base DN of your LDAP server
        Example: "dc=example,dc=com"

        LDAP search filter
        Defaults depend on LDAP_SERVER_TYPE:
        - generic:            "(uid=%s)"
        - tacacs_schema:    "(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=tacacsAccount))"
        - microsoft:        "(&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))"

        LDAP search filter for password changes
        Defaults depend on LDAP_SERVER_TYPE:
        - generic:            "(uid=%s)"
        - tacacs_schema:    "(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=tacacsAccount)(!(tacacsFlag=staticpasswd))"
        - microsoft:        "(&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))"

        User to use for LDAP bind if server doesn't permit anonymous searches.
        Default: unset

        Password for LDAP_USER
        Default: unset

        An AD group starting with this prefix will be used for tacacs group membership.
        Default: tacacs

        If set, user needs to be in one of the AD_GROUP_PREFIX groups.
        Default: unset

        If unset, the number of groups a user can be member of is limited to one.
        Default: unset

        If set, AD group memberships will be expanded.
        Default: unset

        If set, the server is required to support start_tls.
        Default: unset

        Permit password changes via this backend.
        Default: unset

        Enforce a simplicistic password policy.
        Default: unset

        Keep connection to LDAP server open.
        Default: unset

        If LDAP search fails, try next module (if any).
        Default: unset

        Use the memberof attribute for determining group membership.
        Default: unset

        Don't attempt to authenticate users.

Example Cisco IOS TACACS+ AAA configuration:

    ! Example Cisco IOS TACACS+ AAA configuration
    ! Don't forget to change Vlan1 to either the VLAN or physical interface that can
    ! reach your tacplus server
    ! Run "show aaa user all" to verify privilege level after you login
    ! NOTE: It is highly recommended that you turn on service password encryption!
    !       Some IOS images contain bugs that prevent TACACS+ from working unless service
    !       password encryption is enabled!

    aaa new-model
    aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local
    aaa authentication enable default group tacacs+ enable
    aaa authorization config-commands
    aaa authorization commands 1 default group tacacs+ local if-authenticated
    aaa authorization commands 15 default group tacacs+ local if-authenticated
    aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ local if-authenticated
    aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
    aaa accounting commands 1 default start-stop group tacacs+
    aaa accounting commands 15 default start-stop group tacacs+
    service password-encryption
    ip tacacs source-interface Vlan1
    tacacs-server host IP_OF_TACPLUS_SERVER single-connection key 0 cisco
    tacacs-server directed-request

Example Cisco ASA TACACS+ AAA configuration:

    ! Sample Cisco ASA TACACS+ AAA configuration
    ! Don't forget to change (inside) to the interface that can reach your tacplus server
    ! Run "show curpriv" to verify privilege level after you login
    ! NOTE: Please make sure the ASA IOS image you are running isn't exploitable
    !       See Cisco Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20160210-asa-ike for more information
    !       See Cisco Bug IDs: CSCux29978, CSCux42019 for more information
    ! Cisco TAC will provide a patched image to you free of charge even if you don't have a
    ! service contact! Open a Cisco TAC case with your ASA's serial number and include the
    ! advisory ID as proof of entitlement and they will provide the image file to you!

    aaa-server tacplus protocol tacacs+
    aaa-server tacplus (inside) host IP_OF_TACPLUS_SERVER
     key cisco
    aaa authentication ssh console tacplus LOCAL
    aaa authentication serial console tacplus LOCAL
    aaa authentication enable console tacplus LOCAL
    aaa authentication http console tacplus LOCAL
    aaa accounting command tacplus
    aaa accounting ssh console tacplus
    aaa accounting enable console tacplus

Example Cisco NX-OS TACACS+ AAA configuration:
    ! Sample NX-OS aaa tac_plus configuration
    ! Don't forget to change the VRF to one that can reach your tacplus server
    ! Run "show user-account" to verify roles after you login successfully

    tacacs-server directed-request
    tacacs-server host IP_OF_TACPLUS_SERVER key 0 "cisco"

    aaa group server tacacs+ tacplus
        server IP_OF_TACPLUS_SERVER
        use-vrf default

    aaa authentication login default group tacplus local
    aaa authentication login console group tacplus local
    aaa authorization config-commands default group tacplus local
    aaa authorization commands default group tacplus local
    aaa accounting default group tacplus

Example Cisco IOS XR TACACS+ AAA configuration:

    ! Example Cisco IOS XR TACACS+ AAA configuration (IOS XR formal syntax)
    ! Don't forget to change the interface/vrf to a pair that can reach your tacplus server
    ! Run "show user tasks" to verify task levels after you login

    tacacs source-interface TenGigE0/0/2/0 vrf default
    tacacs-server host IP_OF_TACPLUS_SERVER port 49
    tacacs-server host IP_OF_TACPLUS_SERVER port 49 key 0 cisco
    tacacs-server host IP_OF_TACPLUS_SERVER port 49 single-connection
    aaa accounting exec default start-stop group tacacs+
    aaa accounting system default start-stop group tacacs+
    aaa accounting commands default start-stop group tacacs+
    aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ local
    aaa authorization commands default group tacacs+
    aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local

Marc Huber

Nov 19, 2017, 3:45:40 AM11/19/17
On 16.11.17 18:08, JT wrote:
UPDATE 11/07/2017: There is a bug in MAVIS. If you are having trouble using LDAPS on port 636 or 3269, completely remove the USE_TLS configuration variable from your tac_plus.cfg.
USE_TLS triggers use of STARTTLS which will upgrade an unencrypted LDAP connection to an encrypted one. Specifying it for LDAPS URLs (which is LDAP over TLS) is a configuration error.



Aleksey Mochalin

Jun 28, 2018, 6:12:21 AM6/28/18
to Event-Driven Servers

Thank you for you instruction! It is incredible. 

I have only one question. Did you configure secure ldap (with TLS support)? tac_plus works perfect without TLS, but how to configure support TLS is hard for me. I don't know should I add certificate for authorization, if so, where should I put it? Or I just should write ldaps:// and it will work?

Thank you for you instruction one more time.

Goutham U

Jul 29, 2020, 12:02:24 PM7/29/20
to Event-Driven Servers
Thank a lot JT, this guide was really helpful.


Dec 17, 2020, 3:42:52 PM12/17/20
to Event-Driven Servers
How can I provide read-only access to an AD group in tacacs. what are the modifications to be done to have a read-only access AD group here.


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