New promo cards, what should they be?

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Nov 14, 2014, 8:42:55 AM11/14/14
I am holding a large EVE event next summer, and plan no featuring a EVE CCG tournament. CCP will be helping sponsor it, and they have also granted me permission to create and print some limited promotional cards after they review.

Now I want to make them promo cards that arent stupidly game breaking, and seem to mesh with the game well.

I am thinking it makes sense to have whatever they are either be non-racial, or 1 of each race ( like the orig promos from fanfest). If we go 1 per race than wed have 4, if not we could have any number.

What would be a cool card youd love to see added in that isn't game breaking or too strong in of itself?

Joseph Corbett

Nov 14, 2014, 9:26:12 AM11/14/14
Did you ever play VS System or Wow tcg?

They had a giant sized raid format. 1 vs many multiplayer format. I really think it would be cool if Eve tcg had something like that.

Possibly using Sansa's nation as the archenemy deck?

It would be cool to see something like this done. 5 decks. 1 of each faction... And 1 archenemy Sansa's nation deck...

It requires a bit of work though.., 
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Jeremy Loscheider

Nov 14, 2014, 10:00:04 AM11/14/14
I think there are some things that we (as a group) can work on and think through specifically. Is there a better space in which to do this? A project management structure or open space to share ideas?
Do we have any docs to start with that map out how cards interact? I think it's going to be difficult to not break the game unless we know how it's already broken. 

By the way, extremely cool that you're getting limited licensing rights. Do you have a printer in mind?

Kit Coleman

Nov 14, 2014, 11:07:13 AM11/14/14

That does sound to be an amazing opportunity for the new cards.  Would they be exclusive to visitors or would others be able to get hold of them? Being from the UK I know I wouldn't be able to get there and would love to get hold of them


Jeremy Loscheider

Nov 14, 2014, 11:16:04 AM11/14/14
Let's at least collaborate on it. Worst-case, the cards are printed on an extremely limited run and we end up printing some draft pieces (like I've got posted up on in the files section for EVE CCG). 
I'd love to see some ideas and this is exactly the kind of thing I personally enjoy contributing to.
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Nov 14, 2014, 12:11:41 PM11/14/14
Does anyone have some larger/hi-def images of cards? Ive only been able to find small ones that are going to be difficult to edit. Im not too knowlegable about project management sites, but Im mainly looking for brainstorming atm.

I havent given any thought to a printer yet, I was likely going to make a good amount, attendees would get some for free, and I can make sure I have some to spread around.

To kickstart some brainstorming here are two locations I was thinking about, al numbers are subject to change, but im mainly interested in feedback on the concept. Too weak? Too strong? etc. 

1. Gate camp
Mineral value: 0
Income -1 ( costs 1 isk per turn)
Cost 3
All hostile ships warping into this region take 1 damage that lasts until the end of this region's battle. If there are no ships with at least 1 attack in this region this location is destroyed.

Basically Its a defensive location, image would be a screenshot from eve of some ships orbiting a gate or something similar. Needs to have a ship in the region to uphold the camp, and costs 1 isk to compensate for it's defensive bonus.

2. Wormhole
Cost 2
Mineral value 1
Income 1
Playable only in outer regions
 Ships in this region may always withdraw.

As a wormholer myself ( in eve) I would love to see wormholes added to the card game, but I am not sure exactly how so this is just a idea.

Daniel Couture

Nov 14, 2014, 3:16:02 PM11/14/14

I think a Gate Camp location would be easily added to the game. Maybe a -2 cost per turn, or maybe a requirement that a friendly ship has to be around for it to take effect?

Send some to Canada!

Le ven. 14 nov. 2014 08:26, Joseph Corbett <> a écrit :

Joseph Corbett

Nov 14, 2014, 5:58:33 PM11/14/14
Can you acetone foil eve cards like you can for Magic?

I proxy Vs cards using this process. Generally you print on transparency. Then lay them over the foil. You can use glue ect...

Vs Proxy Tutorial - YouTube
Sep 29, 2010

Joseph Corbett

Nov 14, 2014, 6:00:44 PM11/14/14
Jun 4, 2014

Christian Herr

Nov 24, 2014, 11:34:02 AM11/24/14

   What a neat opportunity-

   Can you give us some details about your event next summer?

   I really like the idea or adding wormholes to the CCG, but am not sure how exactly they would interact.   Might be interesting to have an few wormhole locations, and then specific ships that would be better at getting resources from those locations.  (Then you might need to have a plan to protect / guard those ships, as the opponent might want to come in and pop that one ship to stop your isk gain.)

   Are there any banned cards in Eve?  They might also be perfect cards to re-work.



Nov 27, 2014, 4:55:42 PM11/27/14
Ill have the dats set in stone shortly, me and CCP are trying to plan out the summer ( alliance tournament and some other things) to try and avoid date conflicts. ATM its looking like the last weekend of July. Thursday-Sunday. ( arrive Thurs, leave Sunday, party Fri and Sat).

The event itself is called EVE New England, and takes place on a farm in New Hampshire. The event itself mainly consists of just meeting people, eating, drinking and playing games. This year we had a poker tournament and a lot of board games which went really well. Next year it will be similar, but...bigger. CCP Games developers will be flying over from Iceland, we will have having some eve player presentations, and we are also having a EVE CCG tournament. The prize is planned to include cash, some cards, and possibly some game stuff. If you don;t play eve I am sure you could find someone happy to buy it off you or trade.

While the focus of the event is certainly on the MMORPG game, I don't think its a stretch to say anyone can have a great time, as the true focus is just eating and meeting new people, many of which share some sort of passion with everyone else.

In regards to the cards I am not aware of any cards banned, but it is also difficult to find any rules used in the past beyond the standard deck building constraints. I have asked CCP what they used for the tournament at the 2007 FF so hopefully they will have something to give me on my next communication.

They have also promised some boxes of cards, including the expansion from their storage, so if you have been trying to get your hands on some it may be a chance to.

Anyone else have any ideas that they have always wanted to see added that would also fit in well?
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