June 21 2005 at 10:14 PM Mathew Enoch Mount (no login)
Many Jews are now starting to belive in Jesus as the Christ and many others are considering Jesus as the Christ. Now you can have an oppertunity to present the gospal of Jesus Christ to many of such people around the world. Now, when you clik on the link below and respond to the message with praise and justification for the divinity of Christ you will have your message posted publicly on a Jewish web sight that has many members engaged in discussion from Jews all around the world.
Just think, you can promote your ministry, or even us do your evangalism just from your calling. No matter what the reason you will be helping many poeple to believe for the first time that Jesus is the Christ. Overall, all posts are not screened before posting to the web, so no profanity please.
Go to the link below, and post the good you have to say about Christ.
Thank you,
Mathew Enoch Mount
(no login)
Permission evangelism ... or irritation evangelism? June 22 2005, 3:07 PM
If you're encouraging us to post to a forum where this kind of input is not expected, I'd have to be pretty sure that I'm divinely directed before posting there.
Mathew Enoch Mount
(no login)
Permission June 23 2005, 4:15 AM
Notice that Jesus and the apostles did not ask the teachers of the law for permission to evangelize before speaking to the people; moreover, this is because they had a greater power than the Synagogues on their side.
Thank you,
Mathew Enoch Mount
(no login)
Re: Permission June 29 2005, 11:31 PM
I took a look at that group, and it is clear that Christian content is not wanted.
As you say, Jesus did not always wait for permission. He even debated in rabbinical style, as I see you attempting to do. However, Jesus did not make us carbon copies of himself, and he gave himself license to do things he doesn't necessarily give to me. Nor do I have the same spiritual gifts he has, or for that matter, you might have. And not least, he did not have to overcome the allergies built up over centuries of Christian triumphalism and anti-semitism.
Communication is at least two-way. I need to be in a context or relationship that can bear the weight of what I want to communicate. (I earn the right to be in that context or relationship partly by being a listener as well as a speaker.) If that relationship is not present, I have several choices, as I see it:
1) I can make announcements or issue invitations, realizing that most of my audience will not respond, but at least the opening is there. If you were to adopt this approach, you would simply say that you would like to communicate with any group participant who is open to hearing how faith in Jesus is consistent with being a faithful Jew, and adding the address or URL of another location that you've arranged, where that conversation can continue. Simply dropping that announcement into the group now and then would be perceived as far less obnoxious than the intrusive style you've adopted.
2) I can become an active participant in the group you've cited, exchanging views on the topics that come up on the terms that everyone accepts, and only as it is relevant within those parameters, introducing Christ-centered themes. In other words ... doing an honest job of creating relationships and credibility. In order to do this with integrity, I can't be so full of my own message that it blocks my sensitive participation in the conversations whose themes have been chosen by others.
3) OR I can keep barging in with my evangelism, and add to their irritation with Christians. I'm reminded of a pamphlet published years ago by one of the Anabaptist publishers, entitled Evangelism: Good News or Bad News?
Steven Monk
(no login)
As an example July 19 2005, 3:08 PM
of the type of response to our Friend's evangelizing:
"We have already asked you not to return, quite a few times, and your mother
too. DO NOT missionize on the Jewish newsgroup. The Jewish newsgroup is a
place to discuss Judaism, not Christianity. How many times do we need to
repeat this until you understand?"
My sense is that these efforts are counterproductive.