Despite some research, the sma, mma and wma building blocks still confuse me.From the documentation, it seems V1 through V6 in my formula are new measured values I want to test to determine Y. Starting with sma, this building block is defined as sma(v,c).
Let’s say V1 relates to a variable named “Price” with the symbol “P.” One way to resolve sma(V1,5) seems to be:
A. Take an average of V1 and the last 5 measured instances from the Price column (of the data I entered to create the Eureqa model). Like this: V1+P5+P4+P3+P2+P1/6.
OR another way…
B. Since the first possible solution doesn't seem to rely on a “moving” average, perhaps I need to average P1&P2, take this result and average it with P3, take this result and average it with P4 etc.until I take the final “moving average” derived from P5 and average it with V1.
My formula also relies on mma and wma. I have the same issues here and would truly appreciate a walk through.
A side question is though I am pleased Eureqa tells me it is using sma (or mma and wma) I am puzzled as to why the program relies on me to calculate c in the expression sma(v,c). Wouldn't it be simple / advantageous to tell me what c is and remove a possibility for error?
I am quite new to the program and may well be out of my depth. A prod in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Gratitude and any needed apologies in advance.
Dear Alison: This helps a great deal. Just to be sure I have it, let’s say I am trying to resolve P=sma(V,3).
The column below shows the last 4 rows of V plus the new value (the one I want to test) appearing in row 5.
Pin this case would = 7 as derived from (8+5+8)/3. Is this correct?
From this example, how would P = wma(v,3) and P=mma(v,3) be resolved?
Many thanks for your patience.
Dear Alison: Thanks for the further clarification regarding wma. Its a big help and I am nearly out of the woods. As for mma, the example from the wikipedia article is: