Pr mode question

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dan proffett

Jun 1, 2024, 5:18:27 PM6/1/24

Ok so I am stuck... not a MIDI guy at all, I know just about enough to get myself in trouble. I do however program controllers, instruments, sensors etc. at work, so the concept is not goreign to me. I am programming my board for a Pod HD Pro X, and ran into the following section while setting it up:

What is it lookong for, when it says to select the CC number that will be sent before any Preset change in Pr mode?

My goal is to set a few favorites and leave it that way, for now, anyways, until I feel comfortable enough to dig in deeper.

Also, this Pod is different than the others I've owned, with the Setlists and such... how do I tell it to stay on a specific Setlist? (right now, Bass, which is #4) At first I assumed they were sequential like Banks, but the math didn't add up... there are 8 Setlists and 64 patches each for 512 total.

"Setup Pr mode

  1. The 7-segment display should now read “Pr” to signify Preset mode programming.

    1. Press pedal 5 to continue.

    2. Pr Prefix configuration (Pr)

    3. Display should show "CC" for MIDI Continuous Controller number.

      1. Use the Up and Down pedals to select the CC number (0-127) that will be sent before any Preset change in Pr mode

      2. Press pedal 5 to lock in that selection."

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Jun 4, 2024, 9:00:48 AM6/4/24
to EurekaSound! Forum
You can leave the preceding CC# with value 0 for the POD HD Pro X. Then I believe you can use the bank pedals in Pr mode (pedals 2 & 7) to reach the other preset lists.

A few other notes for the POD HD Pro X:
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