winding down this mailing list, passing to facebook group

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david osimo

Oct 30, 2009, 8:50:35 AM10/30/09
As per previous emails. please join the facebook group, which we will
now use to coordinate.



Oct 30, 2009, 7:39:19 PM10/30/09
to eups20
Join the Facebook group, for sure, but keep the mailing list. We are
going to need it to coordinate the back end.

Speaking of which. David, I think the comment on the wall is just not
going to get to the members. May I suggest a broadcast message (send
message to all members)? This should send out 550+ email notification
- only group adimistrators can do this. Even better, group members by

The message should have a carefully worded text and an even more
carefully worded subject. We only get one chance... however, it can be
done, if the increase in the FB group membership is any indication.

On Oct 30, 1:50 pm, david osimo <> wrote:
> As per previous emails. please join the facebook group, which we will  
> now use to coordinate.
> david

david osimo

Nov 1, 2009, 1:45:36 PM11/1/09
Alberto all good ideas thanks. With regard to message wording: you are very good at that could you suggest a text. As Paul said, we need to make this compelling.
Anybody's help on the text of the email very much appreciated. We are less than 3 weeks away and this is probably one of the last chances to upscale.

Paul, can you make Alberto and myself administrators of the group.

Also if anybody has a better logo/image for the facebook group, that would be great


> This is our e-government EU strategy, let's make it better! Please endorse the open EU declaration on public services 2.0  

skype, twitter: osimod

Alberto Cottica

Nov 1, 2009, 2:28:30 PM11/1/09
My style is quite militant. It works well with Kublai, but not sure whether it treads thin ice here. Anyway, this is just a suggestion: let me know if you are ok with it.

Optimally we would need different language versions (at least for southern Europe, where many people are not that confortable with English), which need not be translations but would embody the personal style of the person writing it. David or I could write in Italian.

=========CALL TO ARMS PROPOSAL==============

Dear group members,

thanks for getting on board. My name is Alberto, and I write on behalf of the "rowing commitee" (pun intended: the work needed was not steering, but doing the trench work) which did some of the early work that resulted in the Open Declaration.

Here's the situation: David, Paul and Nadia will present the Declaration as a contribution to the Målmo Ministerial conference, a contribution from you and me and everybody who cares enough. I should stress that it is the first time ever - in the rather complex Euro ritual - that a citizen declaration is presented alongside the declaration of the European ministers. A low level of endorsement would send the wrong signal to European governments: namely, that the citizenry does not really care about openness, transparency and accessibility to government on the net. It does not even care enough to muster a few thousand clicks on an "endorse it" button. This would be really, really, REALLY lame. Just think: the ministers are backed by their offices, budgets and democratic legitimacy. David, Paul and Nadia will only be backed by our voices (they are even paying for their own trips to Sweden). So our voices need to be many, and clear.

We of the rowing committee tapped into our social networks and pulled together 500+ endorsers. So far so good, but we are few, and we are running low on ammo. We started this group specifically as a way to reach out to people who care about the values reinforced in the Declaration. Now you are here; there's 600+ of us in the group. Are you up for rowing the last stretch with us? It's simple, really: invite your friends to join this group, endorse the Declaration and spread the word in their turn. We are aiming for 2000 endorsers, and we have less than three week until Målmo. There is no way we can make it alone. So, if you care, don't leave us alone!

========END OF CALL TO ARMS PROPOSAL===============

2009/11/1 david osimo <>

david osimo

Nov 1, 2009, 2:40:35 PM11/1/09
Great stuff Alberto.
For me this is perfect and as soon as Paul gives you the admin rights you should send it around.

> This is our e-government EU strategy, let's make it better! Please endorse the open EU declaration on public services 2.0  

skype, twitter: osimod

Alberto Cottica

Nov 1, 2009, 2:46:21 PM11/1/09
With pleasure. Any volunteers for writing this in languages other than English? A small suggestion is to make it personal ("my name is...", "we hope that you will..." etc.) and write in your own style rather than try to sound official.

2009/11/1 david osimo <>

Alberto Cottica

Nov 1, 2009, 3:01:27 PM11/1/09
Cari membri del gruppo,

mi chiamo Alberto e scrivo a nome del "rowing commitee" (il "comitato dei rematori"; uno scherzo riferito al fatto che non abbiamo un comitato direttivo, perché il lavoro che conta è quello fatto in trincea) che ha fatto il lavoro iniziale che ha portato alla dichiarazione aperta.

La situazione è questa: David, Paul e Nadia andranno alla conferenza dei ministri europei di Målmo per presentare la dichiarazione, come contributo mio, vostro e di chiunque si riconosca nei suoi valori. Sottolineo che è la prima volta - nella storia dei rituali diplomatici europei - che una dichiarazione di cittadini viene presentata insieme alla tradizionale dichiarazione dei ministri. Se saranno in pochi a firmarla manderemo un segnale sbagliato: un segnale che la gente in Europa sì, si lamenta, ma poi non si interessa davvero di trasparenza, apertura e accessibilità alle autorità pubbliche in rete. Non se ne interessa nemmeno abbastanza da mettere insieme qualche migliaio di click su un bottone "Firma la dichiarazione". Questo sarebbe molto triste. Provate a pensare: i ministri hanno dietro apparati, denaro pubblico e legittimità democratica. David, Paul e Nadia hanno dietro solo le nostre voci (si pagano perfino il viaggio in Svezia da soli); quindi le nostre voci devono essere molte, e chiare.

Noi del rowing commitee abbiamo mobilitato le nostre reti, e abbiamo messo insieme 500+ firme. Tutto bene, ma siamo pochi e stiamo finendo le munizioni. Abbiamo creato questo gruppo su Facebook proprio per raggiungere persone che, come noi, hanno a cuore questi valori. E adesso ci siete: siamo oltre 600 iscritti. Ve la sentite di remare con noi per l'ultimo tratto? In realtà è facile: chiedete ai vostri amici di firmare la dichiarazione, iscriversi a questo gruppo e coinvolgere a loro volta i loro amici. Puntiamo alle 2000 firme, e mancano meno di tre settimane a Målmo. Da soli non ce la faremo mai, quindi non lasciateci soli!

2009/11/1 Alberto Cottica <>

Matt Poelmans

Nov 1, 2009, 3:28:56 PM11/1/09
Dear David , Dear All,
I'll translate it in Dutch and distribute it in the Netherlands.
When will the declaration be presented in Malmo? I've been invited and have registered, but will not attend all days?

Alberto Cottica

Nov 1, 2009, 4:10:16 PM11/1/09
Ok, so it's "David, Paul, Nadia and Matt"

2009/11/1 Matt Poelmans <>
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