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Astra satellite channels

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Ulf Dahlen

Sep 17, 1990, 4:14:38 AM9/17/90
In article <15...@edc.edc.UUCP> s...@edc.UUCP (Stephen Ayers) writes:
>Now that I have a dish I'm curious on what channels are available
>on Astra. I already have Sky (which has been a waste so far). I have
>noticed a few other channels are scrambled. Channel 10 appears to be
>something called FilmNet.
>Does anyone out there know anything about these channels? Where can
>descramblers be gotten, etc.

FilmNet is a 24-hour movie channel. We get it in Sweden and I know it
can be seen in the Netherlands, probably in a lot of countries in
Europe. It's beamed down to a central site where appropriate
subtitles fpr that country are added to the picture and it's then
distributed in the cable network. At least, I think this is how it's
done. But it seems like cable is almost an unheard of thing here in
the UK. Since most films are American/English, you wouldn't need
subtitles and maybe there is a stand-alone descrambler available. It's
a good movie channel, but I think it's too expensive (about 10-15
pounds/month), at least in Sweden.

What you should tune into is CNN. (But it's not on Astra I'm afraid.)

--Ulf Dahlen
Linkoping University, Sweden and Edinburgh University, Scotland

P. Knoppers

Sep 18, 1990, 6:02:28 PM9/18/90
The channels on the Astra satellite are - according to my television
guide (Veronica blad):
Channel Program Frequency Remarks
1 Screensport/Sportnet 11.21425 Dutch sound on 7.56
2 RTL plus 11.22900
3 TV3 11.24375 scrambled
4 Eurosport 11.25850 Dutch sound on 7.38
5 Lifestyle 11.27325
Children's Channel Dutch sound on 7.38
6 Sat-1 11.28800
7 TV1000 11.30275 scrambled
8 Sky One 11.31750
9 Teleclub 11.33225 scrambled
10 3-Sat 11.34700
11 Filmnet 11.36175 scrambled
12 Sky News 11.37650
13 RTL-4 11.39125 sometimes scrambled
Channel E
14 Pro-7 11.40600
15 MTV Europe 11.42075
16 Sky Movies 11.43550 scrambled

In The Netherlands only the descramblers for RTL-4 can legally be

Some channels also carry a satellite radio station, these are:
Program With Where
Deutsche Welle RTL plus 7.38 and 7.56
Club Music Lifestyle 7.38 and 7.56
Deutschlandfunk 1 Sat-1 7.38 and 7.56
Deutschlandfunk 2 Sat-1 7.74 and 7.92
Sky Radio Sky One 7.38 and 7.56
Radio 10 Filmnet 7.02 and 8.10
RTL International RTL 4 7.38 and 7.56
Star Sat Radio Pro-7 7.38 and 7.56
Radioropa Pro-7 7.74 and 7.92

Typos are mine. Use at your own risk.
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P. Knoppers, Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands,
Newsgroups: uk.misc,eunet.followup
Subject: Re: Astra satellite channels
Summary: Here is the list
References: <15...@edc.edc.UUCP> <>
Reply-To: (Peter Knoppers)
Distribution: eunet, uk
Organization: Delft University of Technology, Dep. of Electrotechnical engineering.
Keywords: Astra Satellite

The channels on the Astra satellite are - according to my television
guide (Veronica blad):
Channel Program Frequency Remarks
1 Screensport/Sportnet 11.21425 Dutch sound on 7.56
2 RTL plus 11.22900
3 TV3 11.24375 scrambled
4 Eurosport 11.25850 Dutch sound on 7.38
5 Lifestyle 11.27325
Children's Channel Dutch sound on 7.38
6 Sat-1 11.28800
7 TV1000 11.30275 scrambled
8 Sky One 11.31750
9 Teleclub 11.33225 scrambled
10 3-Sat 11.34700
11 Filmnet 11.36175 scrambled
12 Sky News 11.37650
13 RTL-4 11.39125 sometimes scrambled
Channel E
14 Pro-7 11.40600
15 MTV Europe 11.42075
16 Sky Movies 11.43550 scrambled

In The Netherlands only the descramblers for RTL-4 can legally be

Some channels also carry a satellite radio station, these are:
Program With Where
Deutsche Welle RTL plus 7.38 and 7.56
Club Music Lifestyle 7.38 and 7.56
Deutschlandfunk 1 Sat-1 7.38 and 7.56
Deutschlandfunk 2 Sat-1 7.74 and 7.92
Sky Radio Sky One 7.38 and 7.56
Radio 10 Filmnet 7.02 and 8.10
RTL International RTL 4 7.38 and 7.56
Star Sat Radio Pro-7 7.38 and 7.56
Radioropa Pro-7 7.74 and 7.92

Typos are mine. Use at your own risk.
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P. Knoppers, Delft Univ. of Technology, The Netherlands,

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