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CFP--10th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Pisa, Italy

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Michel Lemoine

Oct 3, 1990, 6:34:06 AM10/3/90


La CIL'91 (Convention Informatique Latine) se deroulera a Barcelone du 28 au
31 Mai 1991 parallelement au salon INFORMAT'91. Cette conference a pour
president Pere BOTELLA de l'Universite Polytechnique de Catalogne a BARCELONE
qui souhaite vivement une importante participation francaise.

La conference abordera 4 themes :

1) Experience d'Implantation de Methodes et Outils pour le Genie Logiciel
- methodes et outils pour les systemes d'information en temps-reel
- experiences relatives aux CASE
- etc

2) Integration de Systemes
- reseaux, telecommunications, integration de divers moyens de

3) Informatique Industrielle
- robotique industrielle
- atelier flexible
- PAO en general

4) Experience de Projets dans le Cadre de Programmes de Recherches et
- standard
- projets communautaires
- transfert de technologie

Les communications ecrites seront acceptees dans les langues suivantes :
Italien, Francais, Castillan, Catalan, Portugais et Anglais.

La date limite de reception des communications est : 31 octobre 90. Le
format doit etre le format definitif : maximum 20 pages double interligne.

La date de notification est prevue pour le 20 janvier 91.

La convention se deroulera du 28 au 31 mai 91.

PS a l'usage de la communaute francaise : Pere espere de nombreux papiers
d'industriels car un theme sous-jacent a la CIL'91 est aussi la preparation a
la formidable competition qui va resulter au 1er janvier 92.

Envoyer les communications a :

Avda Republica ARGENTINA, 63, Ent. 4a

Eric Thomas SUNET

Oct 3, 1990, 10:04:54 AM10/3/90
In article <> (Michel Lemoine) writes:
> Les communications ecrites seront acceptees dans les langues suivantes :
>Italien, Francais, Castillan, Catalan, Portugais et Anglais.

> PS a l'usage de la communaute francaise : Pere espere de nombreux papiers
>d'industriels car un theme sous-jacent a la CIL'91 est aussi la preparation a
>la formidable competition qui va resulter au 1er janvier 92.

This is admittedly none of my business, but I'm afraid you're going to be in
serious trouble in 1992 if you don't learn English before then. Somehow I don't
get the impression that organizing conferences where lectures are held in
Italian, French, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese or English according to the
lecturer's country of origin is going to cut it. Somehow, I get the feeling
that the French (for instance) are not going to pay much attention to papers
written in Portuguese and associated lectures. But, after all, what 1992 is all
about is just the removal of customs regulation so that industrially powerful
countries can eradicate the feeble industry of other countries; collaboration
doesn't get into the picture.


Markku Sakkinen

Oct 5, 1990, 7:23:33 AM10/5/90
In article <> (Eric Thomas SUNET) writes:
>In article <> (Michel Lemoine) writes:
>> Les communications ecrites seront acceptees dans les langues suivantes :
>>Italien, Francais, Castillan, Catalan, Portugais et Anglais.
>This is admittedly none of my business, but I'm afraid you're going to be in
>serious trouble in 1992 if you don't learn English before then.
> ...

1. The subject line cites a wrong conference: the one in Pisa has
English as its language. The text comes from the announcement
of a "Latin" informatics conference. BTW: they seem to discriminate
against Occitan (Provencal), Romanian, and Rhetoroman (sp?).

2. The year 1992 holds no special magic for scientific conferences.

3. For businessmen to be successful in Europe in a few years,
it's their _German_ they must brush up, and those who haven't
taken even an elementary course in German should really hurry.

Markku Sakkinen
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
University of Jyvaskyla (a's with umlauts)
Seminaarinkatu 15
SF-40100 Jyvaskyla (umlauts again)
SAKK...@FINJYU.bitnet (alternative network address)

Markku Sakkinen

Oct 8, 1990, 2:44:02 AM10/8/90
In article <> (Ed Braaten) writes:

> (Markku Sakkinen) writes:
>>3. For businessmen to be successful in Europe in a few years,
>> it's their _German_ they must brush up, and those who haven't
>> taken even an elementary course in German should really hurry.
>Could you expand on that statement? Are you alluding to the eastern
>european market? I've yet to meet a German businessman (worth his/her
>salt) that doesn't converse well in American/British English.

(This isn't 100% earnest.)
If we want to _buy_ something from Germany, we need not understand
even English: they will certainly send a representative who speaks
Finnish. But if we would also like to _sell_ something there
(looking at Finland's trade deficit, we should really yearn to)
it's best to speak German, and to have promotional material
in flawless German. German tourists are also a very important
source of income to many European countries.

About "Eastern Europe" (most of whose countries will probably again
be recognised as "Central Europe"): I suppose German is rather
widely understood there.

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