Hi Larry,
Google is again listing bizcoachinfo.com the #1 ranked "biz coach" site! So, thank you very much for your expertise, new features and suggestions, such as the footer! That was sheer genius on your part! I don't underestimate its value.
Whew! I was at the end of my rope after many 20-hour days in exhausting every possible SEO and content idea, updating or deleting old articles, fixing the pictures with poor resolution and trying to learn your new template, etc. -- I thought my 1 1/2 year Google nightmare would never end. (The site had been #1 for 9 years but was losing to a site with inferior content and much fewer back-links from high value sites, etc. I was so disgusted I deleted Google Analytics about 2 weeks ago. Until Google's visitor-data discrepancy is resolved, I'd rather not put up with it.)
Would love to implement the solutions we discussed last month. But for now, I'm very appreciative and gratified. Great working with you.