Fwd: Ford can't stop us.

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Susan James

Nov 23, 2022, 10:12:38 AM11/23/22
to Etobicoke Climate Action, Sandy Cameron, Carol Essex, Joyce Hall, Rose Dyson
I'm assuming you received this message.  But it looks urgent today--to call our MPPs, to sign the petition--what else can we do?
Thanks, Susan 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Tim Ellis - Leadnow <lea...@leadnow.ca>
Date: Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 9:31 AM
Subject: Ford can't stop us.
To: <susanje...@gmail.com>

URGENT: Today, Ford's Greenbelt-destroying Bill 23 is scheduled for a final vote.

We've heard from allies that the combined pressure of many organizations pushing back on the bill is having an impact. Already Ford has added some minor tweaks to restore local control. [1] But our last chance to stop the bill — to stop this attack on the Greenbelt, democracy and housing affordability — is likely today. [2]

Susan, we are going to deliver this petition to Ford today at 12:00 pm. Will you add your name now and help us make the biggest possible impact?


In solidarity,
Tim and Dan, on behalf of Leadnow

[1] https://www.jessicabellmpp.ca/bill_23_leaves_committee_with_a_bunch_of_mixed_bag_tweaks
[2] see 1

Here’s our original email with more information:

Doug Ford lied. Last month he tabled a new law — Bill 23 — to eviscerate our pristine Greenbelt, breaking his promise to leave it alone. [1]

Susan, Bill 23 is dangerous — it's an attack on the environment and democracy — all under the mask of expanding housing. [2]

Bill 23 would allow Ford to take 7,400 acres of farmland and natural areas and strip environmental protections that protect wildlife, keep our drinking water safe, guard wetlands, and ensure flood protection. [3]

To pave over our Greenbelt, Ford is undermining municipalities' planning power and foregoing requirements for public meetings and opportunities for communities to challenge his plan. [4] But he's reducing developer fees and overriding municipal zoning laws to help corporate land developers profit big from the proposal. [5]

The good news? Public outrage is growing — and there's still time to stop this bill from becoming law. Rallies have been happening in cities across the province, and a growing network of activists is working to pressure the Ford government to roll back this plan. [6,7]

Susan, the past few weeks have shown us the biggest tool we have against the Ford government is mass public movements. A huge public outcry right now can force them to retreat — but it will only work if we all come together to speak up. Will you sign this petition to show mass public opposition to Ford's plans to pave over our Greenbelt?

Susan, Bill 23 is a disaster we can't afford as we stare down the barrel of a housing and climate crisis. If passed, it will let big-money developers ignore environmental laws — and prevent real progress on affordable housing.

Housing experts and advocates have been clear: with a focus on making money, the bill will actually limit the ability to build new affordable rental housing and jeopardize the affordable housing that exists. [8,9] Bill 23 would allow developers to set aside a mere 5% for affordable housing. Meanwhile, it would remove policy tools and resources that municipalities have to address the housing crisis in their cities. [10]

By limiting the powers of municipalities and the public — it will be a free-for-all for developers — whose main focus is profit, not liveable, safe, green communities. [11]

So while the Ford government lines the pockets of rich developers building luxury condos, the Greenbelt will be irrevocably damaged. Susan, as the climate crisis worsens, destroying land that provides flood protection, carbon sequestration, and local food makes no sense.

These threats are just some of the reasons thousands of people are standing up to oppose Bill 23. Will you join them and call on Doug Ford to stop Bill 23, protect our Greenbelt and invest in real affordable housing instead?

Susan, we've been here before. In 2019, a very similar piece of legislation, Bill 66, was tabled by the Ford government with the intent to destroy the Greenbelt. [12] The Leadnow community joined allies across the province and built a powerful campaign to stop it. Through mass public pressure, we won.

Susan, I know we can do it again.

The Ford government has been attacking our democracy, workers' rights, our health and our public services for years. And it just seems to be getting worse. But I am hopeful because the collective determination of the people of Ontario is shining through, and it is unstoppable.

We are coming together to demand a better future. To demand our rights. To demand we protect our planet.

Signing this petition to stop Bill 23 is just the first step in your campaign — but it's an important one. Showing mass public support not only demonstrates to the government what they are up against but also is a tool to show our fellow Ontarians what we are fighting for.

We'll be in touch about the next steps of your campaign. And after you sign the petition, you'll have an opportunity to join a rally against Bill 23! 


With hope and determination,
Jesse and Tim, on behalf of Leadnow

[1] https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2022/11/04/ontario-backtracks-on-greenbelt-pledge-with-plan-to-allow-housing-on-7400-acres.html
[2] https://ontarionature.org/bill-23-what-you-need-to-know-blog/
[3] https://www.nationalobserver.com/2022/11/10/opinion/sacrificing-ontario-scarce-green-space-sprawl-giant-mistake
[4] see 2
[5] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/gta-developers-own-greenbelt-land-swap-1.6648273
[6] https://environmentaldefence.ca/handsoffthegreenbelt/
[7] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/bill-23-protest-hamilton-1.6639462
[8] https://acorncanada.org/take_action/doug-fords-bill-23-destroys-existing-affordable-housing-builds-more-luxury-condos-scrap-it-now/
[9] https://uwaterloo.ca/news/media/q-and-experts-more-homes-built-faster-act-or-bill-23
[10] https://housingrightscanada.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-ontarios-new-housing-policy-bill-23/
[11] see 9
[12] https://www.ola.org/en/legislative-business/bills/parliament-42/session-1/bill-66

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Timothy Ellis

Nov 23, 2022, 11:06:10 AM11/23/22
to Susan James, Etobicoke Climate Action, Sandy Cameron, Carol Essex, Joyce Hall, Rose Dyson
The vote has been delayed - spread the word about calling MPPs (especially PC MPPs) and we are expecting there will be further action on Monday when the vote is now expected.

In solidarity,

-Tim Ellis (he/him)

"While there is a lower class, I am in it; while there is a criminal element, I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free." - Eugene V. Debs

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