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Fwd: CAP Upcoming Events and Updates

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Alex Cameron

Jan 10, 2023, 4:32:41 PM1/10/23
to ECA Google Group
Excellent information 

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From: Clean Air Partnership <>
Date: Tue., Jan. 10, 2023, 14:48
Subject: CAP Upcoming Events and Updates
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The Clean Air Council is Canada's largest peer-to-peer municipal climate action network.
CAC Updates - January 10, 2023

CAC Climate Decisions Calendar

CAC Climate Decisions Calendar

The Municipal Climate Decisions event calendar provides a central place to compile and share information about upcoming council and committee meetings from across municipalities in Ontario's GTHA. The calendar specifically highlights meeting ​topics focused on climate change and sustainability, land use, transportation, infrastructure and environment, and active transportation. The aim is to increase community awareness and accessibility of municipal meetings, encourage attendance, and lower public barriers to staying informed about municipal decisions. 

If you know of a relevant upcoming ​meeting that is not listed here, we encourage you to submit the event to the calendar here. We welcome submissions not only from municipal staff but also from NGOs and members of the public who can together help this database grow. 

View the Climate Decisions Calendar below:

Link to the Calendar:

Link to Submit Events:

Upcoming CAP Events

CAP Community Engagement Webinar - STEP Heat Pump Evaluations

When: Thursday, January 19 | 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Heat pumps are very efficient heating and cooling systems and can significantly reduce energy costs. In this webinar, Gil Amdurski from Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) will present everything we need to know about heat pumps – technology, types, and prices. In addition, we will hear about the TRCA’s Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program (STEP) and learn from real-life examples of heat pump projects.


Leading Practices on Energy Disclosure and Data Analysis to Support Benchmarking

When: Wednesday, January 25 | 1:00 PM Eastern Time

Edwin Luk and Ian Ho from SYS Converge will be joining this webinar to share some of their research and experience on using Ontario energy disclosure data sets to support benchmarking outcomes. They will discuss and compare energy and emissions disclosure efforts from other jurisdictions and speak to opportunities to improve open data to foster innovation in benchmarking to drive decarbonization efforts.


Building Canada’s Largest Carbon-neutral Community: Edmonton’s Blatchford Redevelopment Project

When: Wednesday, February 8 | 2:00 PM Eastern Time

At 536 acres, Edmonton’s former City Centre Airport lands are being transformed into one of the world’s biggest carbon-neutral communities. Known as Blatchford, this community is set to be powered by 100% renewable energy and will house over 30,000 residents. The development also features a centralized district energy Sharing System (DESS) to provide energy for heating, cooling and domestic hot water. Through this webinar, Tom Lumsden, Development Manager at Blatchford, will share an overview of the Blatchford redevelopment project – planning, community design, renewable technologies used and project progress. In addition, we will also hear about major challenges and barriers to project implementation and lessons learnt.

Climate Implications Repository Workshop 

When: Thursday, February 16 | 10:30 AM Eastern Time

Municipalities are including robust climate change implications in municipal council reports to advance the inclusion of climate change into decision-making. To support this goal, CAP has developed a Climate Implications Repository that can track climate implications as they are developed and provide a one-stop shop for tracking and accessing municipal climate implications.  

CAP recently held a workshop in November introducing the Climate Implications Repository. During this workshop, municipal staff identified the value of a crowdsourcing effort and agreed to quarterly workshops to collectively develop robust climate implications across decision streams.  

Join us for this quarterly workshop series to continue the climate implications crowdsourcing effort, building staff climate understanding across municipal departments and providing an opportunity to discuss draft council reports in development. 

CAP Climate Action Atlas
Share your Municipal Climate Actions with us!

Clean Air Partnership's Climate Action Atlas is seeking ongoing and completed municipal climate mitigation actions from CAC member municipalities. You can explore existing actions and submit climate mitigation actions undertaken by your municipalities to the Atlas here:

Actions from our Partners

Youth Climate Lab is hiring
Deadline: January 30, 2023

Youth Climate Lab is accepting applications for two opportunities for youth climate leaders (18-30 years). The Impact Manager will lead and manage Youth Climate Lab’s impact areas and advocacy efforts centering the role of social innovation in the climate ecosystem in Canada.

The Operations Manager will manage the team and internal resources while supporting program staff to ensure Youth Climate Lab meets funder requirements and manage team capacity. 
Learn more and apply here.

IESO's 2021-2024 CDM Framework Mid-Term Review Report

IESO's Mid-Term Review report of the 2021-2024 Conservation and Demand Management Framework is now available online. This mid-term review presents a plan for the realization of energy and demand targets, including the implementation of new programming, to help meet emerging system needs in 2025 and beyond.

This report is being made available together with two other reports -- the
Pathways to Decarbonization and the Annual Planning Outlook. SSG has been retained by CAP to undertake a objective review of the strengths and weaknesses of the IESO's Decarbonization report and alignment opportunities between municipal Climate Action Plans and provincial decarbonization efforts.

2023 Climate Caucus Summit 

When: February 6, 2023 | 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM Eastern Time

This important annual event brings together local elected leaders from urban and rural communities across Canada to workshop practical local climate solutions.
 The agenda for this year will leave you feeling re-energized about taking action in your communities. Alongside its session partners, Community Energy Association, ICLEI, and the Co-operators, Climate Caucus will deliver keynotes, workshops, and networking to address emissions reductions, energy transitions, and resilience at the local level. Our Hybrid setup will allow participants to experience the same sessions in parallel, whether they attend in-person or virtually. 
Learn more and get tickets here.


Upcoming Events on Energy Efficiency – Learn about Heat Pumps and More

It’s January – it’s cold and it’s dark. Does your home need an energy efficiency upgrade? Have you considered installing a heat pump? Do you want to learn more about energy incentive programs? Visit to learn more about upcoming events and heat pump incentives. 

Future Topic Suggestions and Past Meeting Proceedings

If you have any suggestions for future topics or wish to add your event/action to our Partner Actions section, please send an email to Devanshi Kukadia at

Information and resources on past meetings and webinars can be found 

Connect with us!
About Clean Air Partnership 
Clean Air Partnership (CAP) is a charitable environmental organization. Our vision is for Canadian communities to be sustainable, healthy, and resilient.
Find out more:
 Clean Air Council (CAC), a project of Clean Air Partnership, is Canada’s largest municipal peer-to-peer climate action network. Find out more:

Copyright © 2021, Clean Air Partnership. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
75 Elizabeth St, Toronto, ON M5G 1P4
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