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Fwd: Greenbelt under threat!

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carolchrissy carolchrissy

Nov 11, 2022, 10:26:53 AM11/11/22

Hi all,

please add your voice to this message to Doug Ford and crew. He's breaking his promise to protect the Greenbelt. We need to push back.



------ Original Message ------
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2022 5:08 PM
Subject: Greenbelt under threat!

Premier Ford, Hands off the Greenbelt.

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Dear Carol,

Once again we are faced with the threat of paving over parts of the Greenbelt. Tell Premier Ford that this simply can not happen!

The Greenbelt provides natural infrastructure that helps reduce flooding, forest fires, and heat waves. The Greenbelt protects at-risk species and ecosystems, and provides public health benefits through added greenspace and access to nature. The Greenbelt must stay protected!

By permanently setting aside land for farming and natural heritage, the Greenbelt protects land from the intense speculation and development pressure in Southern Ontario. Without certain and permanent protection, even the agricultural land and natural areas that aren’t immediately turned into sprawl will be wrecked by environmentally destructive short-term cash-cropping.

The Premier is breaking his promise to you, and sacrificing the health of the region and our province, simply to enrich a few of his landowner friends.

Let your voice be heard. We stopped the destruction of the Greenbelt once. Together, we can do it again.

In the next few weeks, we will be sharing with you other steps that we can take together to reverse this decision. Stay tuned.

In solidarity,

Phil Pothen,
Ontario Environment Program Manager


Environmental Defence Canada
33 Cecil St, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 1N1

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