Here is your opportunity to get involved in an action plan to stop the Ontario government from massively ramping up gas-fired electrical power plants in the face of the accelerating Climate Crisis. April 21 at 11 AM webinar on ZOOM.
To sign up email the and ask for the ZOOM invitation. OCEC stands for OntarioClimate Emergency Campaign and is comprised of many worthy climate organizations that we all know and love. Check them out.
The current Ontario Government plan will increase Green House Gas emissions from the electrical grid by about 700%. Yikes!!
This is at a time when we only have a short window of opportunity to reduce emissions if we want to mitigate the worst effects of Climate Change.
I am not a scientist but I am listening to the scientists who know that the earth is warming at an unsustainable rate. We need to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees to "stay alive" and not live (or die) in the resulting Climate Chaos.
The IPCC has issued a CODE RED but many of us are still simply in denial OR are more interested in making money from fossil fuel perpetuation.
For those of us who have the gift (curse) to be able to see the danger before us, now is the time to act. This is not just for ourselves, but for our kids, our grandkids and all the creatures of the planet.
Time to come together and take action while we still have the opportunity.
I know I may sound like an alarmist to some of you reading this. But I believe this is the only truly rational way to move forward through this Climate Crisis.
Let's take the steps needed to solve the problems we, as a species, have created.
Love the Earth, our only home!
------ Original Message ------
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2023 8:00 PM
Subject: Help stop the Ontario government’s plans to fire up more gas!!!
Help stop the Ontario government’s plans to fire up more gas!!!
1. Don’t forget to register for our zoom webinar to learn from the experts on a vision for Ontario’s renewable energy future:
Beyond Gas: Ontario’s Energy Future - TUESDAY April 18, 7 pm,
2. If you haven’t already, please join the Beyond Gas Advocacy Team!
We are preparing for meetings with municipal councillors, MPPS and MPs in May!
If you missed our April 5th training, we are providing another training this Friday April 21st at 11 am. Register by sending an email to to get the zoom link.
If you can’t make it, you can listen to the recording of the first training that was held on April 5th.
Be sure to fill in this survey form with your contact information and riding/ward that you live in and we will be in touch.
Thanks and hope to see you TUESDAY evening on ZOOM!
ClimateFast is run solely by volunteers and is funded entirely by donations. Your donation will be used for mailings, campaign materials, room rentals and transportation.
Donate online or by cheque, made payable to:
c/o Lyn Adamson
Friends House
60 Lowther Ave.
Toronto, Ontario M5R 1C7Your support is greatly appreciated!