I did the following:
Created solution EtoApp1 Using the ETO Visual Studio 2019 extension template.
Upgraded the Nuget packages to 2.56.
Changed the <TargetFrameworks> tags in the EtoApp1 and EtoApp1.Gtk project files to the singular so the gtk project would publish.
Successfully built both projects and published EtoApp1.Gtk to a folder on my Windows PC.
The folder contains lots of dlls, including Eto.Gtk.dll.
Copied the contents of the publish folder to my home directory in Ubuntu Mate.
Installed the dotnet core sdk from snap on my Ubuntu Mate box.
In a Mate terminal, typed
$dotnet EtoApp1.Gtk.dll
And encountered the following error:
Unhandled exception. System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Gtk.Application' threw an exception.
---> System.DllNotFoundException: Gtk: libgtk-3-0.dll, libgtk-3.so.0, libgtk-3.0.dylib, gtk-3.dll
at GLibrary.Load(Library library)
at Gtk.Application..cctor()
Installed mono-complete and typed mono EtoApp1.Gtk.dll and the program worked as expected.
Retried with the dotnet command but got the original error.
Must I run Eto apps from mono? The release notes for 2.50 say dotnet core is supported.
If not, what am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help,
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