FW: Notification of ESSWE Meeting of Members

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Boaz Huss

May 19, 2017, 4:29:24 AM5/19/17
to esswe-...@googlegroups.com



From: ESSWE | European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism [mailto:secr...@esswe.org]
Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 2:45 PM
To: בועז הוס <bh...@bgu.ac.il>
Subject: Notification of ESSWE Meeting of Members


Information from the ESSWE



From the Secretary of the ESSWE

May 12, 2017


Notice of Meeting of Members


The 2017 Meeting of Members of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism

will be held at 18:30 on 3 June 2017 at the Augustinerkloster (room Staupitz/Lang), Erfurt, Germany.


The agenda for the meeting is given below.

Henrik Bogdan

Secretary of the ESSWE

17 April, 2017



Agenda for Meeting of Members to be held on 3 June 2017


  1. Approval of the Agenda.

2.     Board’s report on the business of the Society during 2016.

3.     Approval of the accounts for 2016.

4.     Discharge from liability of the members of the Board for their management during 2016.

5.     Election of Board Members.

6.     Nominations of new Board Members.

7.     Information about ESSWE MA Thesis Workshop 2018.

8.     Information about ESSWE7 2019.

9.     Any other business.




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