SFERO Virtual babilado, Saturday 13:00 -> 15:00

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Universero, Trio

Feb 2, 2024, 3:51:15 PMFeb 2
to Stanford Esperanto

I was so busy getting all the notices organized that i forgot to
send one to you!

See https://eventaservo.org/e/a70846 for the esperanto version.

SanFrancisko Esperanto Regiona Organizo Monthly Gathering

Usually the first saturday of each month,1 pm (13:00 Pacifika = 21:00
UTC) for 2 hours of Esperanto conversation. BEGINNERS WELCOME!

How to participate?

We're using Jitsi, https://meet.jit.si/ . So, no extra program, like
Zoom, needed. Just use your browser... Firefox is recommended.

- Go to https://meet.jit.si/Esperanto-US-SF-1a-sabata-babilado
- Wait in the "lobby". When the leader notices you, they'll let you in.
- If a password is asked for, we usually use "The Majstro" = ZAMENHOF

Looking forward to seeing you there.

tr...@esperanto.org <=> 三人 <=> http://trio.sen.limo/
#Esperanto , The International Language! What's that? http://Esperanto.Org/
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