A video of Steve Jobs on the Rules of Success

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Dec 11, 2011, 5:14:37 PM12/11/11
to ESL Podcast Study Group
Dear all,

When the ex-C.E.O. of Apple passed away,I saw on facebook a post
saying there were 3 apples in the world ; one was eaten by Adam in the
bibile,the second hit Issac Newton on his head and the third was half
eaten by Steve Jobs.

His legacy will last for so many more decades and here is a video of
him talking about the rules of success.

I would like you all to take a look and listen to it as many times as
you can,then tell me what are the rules of success according to him.


Thanks and good night !



Dec 11, 2011, 10:24:38 PM12/11/11
to eslpo...@googlegroups.com
Hi Pln and all,
well, this link brings me to another video,which is a commencement speech at Stanford given by Steve Jobs. and the most impressive  words of this speech are "you've got to find what you love."
 so maybe there are a number of factors that will  make us successful,but I think the most one is personal preferences ,and based on it,we have the motive force to go forward. Though the road ahead will be uneven,and there will be setbacks and false starts,we'll keep going and writing  down the drama of life. 
Perhaps I am not as lucky as Jobs who can find what he loved to do early in life, but I will keep looking with all matters of my heart. And I think, something what I have learned may be not important for practical application in life, but they will be connected in the  future.It is like stringing the pearls together,just  using time as the string.
have a good time

--- 11年12月12日,周一, pln471 <pln...@gmail.com> 写道:

发件人: pln471 <pln...@gmail.com>
主题: [ESL Podcast] A video of Steve Jobs on the Rules of Success
收件人: "ESL Podcast Study Group" <eslpo...@googlegroups.com>
日期: 2011年12月12日,周一,上午6:14

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