Please read to the need to panic...
Subject: Dog flu in the Midwest FYI
Canine Influenza in Dogs
The virus that causes dog flu, Influenza Type A (H3N8), was first identified in Florida in 2004. It primarily infects the respiratory system and is extremely contagious. A vaccine was granted full license by the United States Department of Agriculture in 2009 (Nobivac® Canine Flu H3N8). Some dogs can be exposed to the virus and fight off infection without showing clinical signs.
Symptoms and Types
Dogs that are infected with the canine influenza virus may develop two different syndromes:
Dog Flu Vaccine: Do You Really Need a Shot for the H3N8 Canine Virus?The flu is coming! The flu is coming! Be afraid … be very afraid. This time the flu is headed for our beloved dogs. It’s the flu that killed racing greyhounds in Florida, beginning in 2003. But don’t worry, the pharmaceutical industry has a lovely new vaccine with a shiny new needle. Before long, expect a scary notice with the urgent message to rush in for a magic shot before your dog gets the new virus. Why not get a bunch more shots while you’re at it? But before you go flying in, credit card in hand, I hope you’ll read this article, and others, and ask yourself some important questions. Questions like …. Is your dog really at risk? When I first read the New York Times article, New Flu Vaccine Approved — For Dogs, I thought: here we go again. Bird flu … swine flu … now dog flu? My fears were allayed somewhat when author Donald McNeil, Jr.,began: “There is a new flu virus going around. It initially looked quite lethal, and caused panic. Now it is clear that it has killed relatively few victims — and many of those have underlying conditions.” But then he added: ”It is particularly dangerous to be the possessor of a pushed-in nose — that is, to be a Pekingese, a pug or a Shi-Tzu.” I relaxed again with: “It has now been found in 30 states, but almost exclusively in settings where dogs live closely together: shelters, pet stores, kennels and dog schools.” I repeat: “It has now been found in 30 states, but almost exclusively in settings where dogs live closely together: shelters, pet stores, kennels and dog schools.” I looked over the comments following the on-line article and realized that a lot of pet parents are nevertheless panicking. I asked a few of my vaccination activist vet friends to offer some advice. Here’s what they wrote. ***From Dr. Patricia Jordan, DVM, CVA, CTCVH & Herbology, Author of the book on vaccination: Mark of the Beast I am a veterinarian, I have 25 years of experience and I am HORRIFIED that this new vaccine was ever manufactured and is now being promoted for use. Our leading premier veterinary immunologist and vaccine researcher, Dr. Ron Schultz, has already informed us that the only reason there even was a canine flu……….is the use and overuse of the vaccine in horses for the horse flu! Indeed the very use of modified live vaccines squirted up the nose of the horses that then shared the locality of the race track with dogs, racing greyhounds….that increases the chance of species jumping and this is EXACTLY why we have this pathogen. Vaccines keep the viral proteins of the disease in play and are the very reason we rise mutations of more severe strains and why we eventually have species jumping of the viruses from our companion animals then to man! Emory University in Georgia has a paper out about the overuse of veterinary vaccines leading to emerging Public Health issues in man. How do you think Bordatella [Kennel Cough vaccine] came to infect now both cats and humans in the households with the dogs! With the impending pandemic that will be made by the mass vaccination using swine flu vaccines…..we certainly DO NOT NEED our dogs adding to the pandemic with theirviral flu protein sequences imposed upon them with the latest shot to pop for profits! The country of Indonesia has the most virulent, pathogenic, lethal strains of Bird Flu and the most humans deaths because of the VERY FACT they have a mass inoculation program. Three experts in their country have critized their governments mass inoculation program and the mathematical model proves all three of these scientists work. One is a Tropical Disease Virologist, a second an Avian Disease Specialist and the third a Veterinary Pathobiologist, they all have weighed in: MASS INOCULATIONS ARE THE VERY CAUSE OF RISE OF MUTANT STRAINS AND PANDEMICS ARE THE ENDGAME. I would never ever, recommend this and especially to dogs [flat-faced dogs likes pugs and bulldogs] who can hardly breath to begin with. Boarding facilities and vaccinologists will be the reason this vaccine will make more disease and deaths occur. Do not get the vaccine. In continued correspondence Dr. Jordan added: Canine Flu came from the use and overuse of modified flu vaccine in the equine. The horses had the vaccine sprayed up their noses and then the modified live virus mutated to be able to attack and infect dogs. The first were the racing greyhounds on the very tracks that the equine flu came from. You can expect that the virus will once again mutate and jump to infect man and probably the cat, anyone that shares the environ with the dogs. Some dogs … because a vaccine has nothing to do with the ability of the individual to deal with a virus … may not have any signs until a stressor or another trigger comes along … bad food, travel, crowding, the physical exertion of racing, etc. People getting flu vaccines is most likely where the flu mutated from us to the horses……and we can expect much more of that with all of these pop a shot for profit coming down the pike. I’m particularly worried about groomers and kennel owners believing they need to add this shot to their requirements for service. Then you will see stressed out multiply-housed animals really rise a mutation. It’s the very use of vaccines is what keeps the disease in play. Vaccination does not mean immunization; it does not mean immunity. Every vaccination is experimentation under the guise of providing health care delivery. You asked about side effects. I fear vaccinating will contribute to the making of a pandemic virus, will contribute to the circulation of viral proteins, will contribute to the toxic load of pets and people, and will help rise the strains of mutations. *** Stephen R. Blake, DVM, Author of The Pet Whisperer I am so sorry to hear our friends the animals are going to be exploited once again. I have seen this scare tactic used for the past 40 years to get people to inject their animals with dangerous vaccines that have no safety studies to back them up. This is also the case with human vaccines. Each individual must ask themselves, “Is the risk from the natural infection greater or less than the potential danger of the vaccine?” No virus found in this message. | ||