What Is the Taekwon-Do Mindset?

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Nov 9, 2010, 8:35:10 PM11/9/10
Two nights ago I had a short discussion with my Taekkyeon grandmaster
during which time he explained to me the most important principles in
Taekkyeon. One of which is that in Taekkyeon one's mindset should be
one of enjoyment or playfulness. I remember very well the first time I
did Taekkyeon about two years back was with a troupe of elderly women.
The class was very cheerful and during practise we sang old Korean
folk songs. (Technically, they sung the songs, I just hummed along.)
There was definitely a sense of enjoyment. My Taekkyeon grandmaster
often says that you should practise with a smile on your face. This
then is the mental attitude one should hold onto during Taekkyeon

I realised then that different martial arts encourage different mental
attitudes. In Tai Chi Chuan, for instance, one's mind ought to be
serene, your attitude should be one of calmness. In Aikido you strive
for reconciliation and should have an attitude of peace. Karate, on
the other hand, espouses a seriousness and probably an attitude of

What, do you think, is the mental attitude characteristic of Taekwon-
Do – ITF Taekwon-Do in particular? This is not something I thought
about consciously previously and am afraid that if I were to give my
answer it is likely to be blighted with my own disposition and
personal preference. Therefore, I think hearing different opinions may
help me (us) come closer to discover the true mindset of Taekwon-Do.

So please let me know what do you think is the characteristic mental
attitude we aim for in ITF Taekwon-Do. I'm eager to hear your ideas.
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