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PPEL undergraduate summer school San Diego! application deadline: April 15th

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Rigdon, Mary - (mrigdon)

Mar 27, 2024, 5:40:54 AM3/27/24
The Philosophy, Politics, Economics and Law (PPEL) Undergraduate Summer School will be in San Diego June 4th-7th. 

The program is a collaboration with the University of Arizona's Center for the Philosophy of Freedom and the Department of Political Economy and Moral Science, the University of San Diego's Center for Ethics, Economics, & Public Policy, and Chapman University's Smith Institute for Political Economy & Philosophy. The school features a curriculum that focuses on the practical problems of organizing and running human society. PPEL courses are designed and taught by Suzi Dovi,  Thony Gillies, Saura Masconale, Mary Rigdon, Simone Sepe, Candace Smith, Vlad Tarko, John Thrasher, Bas Van der Vossen, Steve Wall, and Matt Zwolinski. Deirdre McCloskey has agreed to be the plenary speakers for this 2nd PPEL summer school! 

To apply: click here. Registration fees are free. Students attending will be housed in the San Diego dorms at no cost to the participant. Applications are due April 15th. We anticipate enrolling 30-40 students for the program.

 Please contact the program staff with any questions; email

Please share widely with interested undergraduates - thank you. A flyer is attached with the relevant information.

Mary L. Rigdon
Director, Center for the Philosophy of Freedom
Associate Professor, Department of Political Economy and Moral Science
University of Arizona
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2024 PPEL Summer School Flyer.pdf
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