Summer School in Experimental and Behavioral Economics

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Oligo Workshop

Apr 13, 2024, 1:36:30 AM4/13/24
to ESA Announcements
Dear all, 

A reminder about a summer school by the European Economic Review:

We are pleased to announce the first Summer School in Experimental and Behavioral Economics for PhD and MSc students, by the European Economic Review. The Summer School will take place at the Department of Economics, University of Crete, from August 27 to August 30, 2024. In first three days, the School will feature lectures by leading researchers in state-of-the-art topics in Experimental and Behavioral Economics, whereas a Workshop will take place on the fourth day. In addition, throughout the School the students will be able to present their own research in poster sessions and receive feedback from leading faculty and fellow participants.

Vincent Crawford, University of Oxford & University of California at San Diego
Michalis Drouvelis, University of Birmingham
Uri Gneezy, University of California at San Diego
John List, University of Chicago
Dana Suskind, University of Chicago

Summer School Webpage:
Application deadline: April 15, 2024

Summer School in Experimental and Behavioral Economics.png
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