Dear colleagues,
We are hiring! 📣 Two PhD
positions within the new DFG-funded, interdisciplinary
Research Training Group "Ecological Regime Shifts and
Systemic Risk in Coupled Social-Ecological Systems"
(ECORISK) with a focus on behavioral and experimental
economics in the Department of Environmental Economics at
Osnabrück University. Great opportunities to join a fantastic
team of colleagues 🙂 Please share among your networks!
Application deadline: 08.06.2024
Please find more info in the vacancy attached. If you have any
questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
PhD: "Participatory Interventions to Foster
Cooperation in the Face of Regime Shifts and Systemic Risk": focusses
on participatory methods for promoting cooperation and
coordination in face of systemic risks by bridging
differences and distances between stakeholders. It will adapt
existing methods to an online setting and assess the impacts
by means of a lab experiment in two countries.
PhD: "Regime Shifts and Human Behavior in
Agricultural Systems": a behavioral economic study on
the perceptions of regime shifts and associated tipping points
of farmers in Germany. The subproject applies a
transdisciplinary mixed-method approach by combining
qualitative and quantitative research methods. Fluency
in German is a strict requirement for this position.
Kind regards,
Fabian Thomas