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ES web browser from Esrille

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Shiki Okasaka

Jul 1, 2011, 1:26:14 AM7/1/11

First of all, I'm sorry about not posting team updates to this
discussion group so long. Today I pushed a brand-new web browser
source code to the ES operating system's code base. It's been built
from the ground up at Esrille Inc., which I founded in Kyoto just a
year ago.

ES web browser is currently running on Fedora 14 or 15 as an OpenGL
window application. Note that this is the initial version and is more
like a concept demonstration edition. Please do not expect you can
visits and see many web sites with this version.

To view the source code, please visit,

or, check out the source code from Google Code:

$ svn checkout

A build instruction of ES web browser and a few current screenshots
are available at,

There are still many things to do, and as always we welcome your help.
The next major goal is to integrate the web browser components to ES
operating system, and make it boot from a personal computer. Before
reaching to that point, we will also improve the ES web browser and
make it useful.
It is also very important to catch up with the coming Web IDL last
call working draft specification.

If you're interested in this open source project and you have chance
to visit Kyoto, please visit us at Esrille Inc. We open Esrille Cafe
with free Wi-Fi Internet connection on the 1st floor.
We welcome you to join us at Esrille Cafe and eat, chat, and code. :-)


Shiki Okasaka

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