Error Prone 2.1.2 Release

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Emily Johnston

Oct 19, 2017, 6:37:12 PM10/19/17

Error Prone 2.1.2 is now available for download from Maven Central.

New error checks:

* [ArrayFillIncompatibleType] Check to see if Arrays.fill(Object[], Object) is called with incompatible types, e.g., storing Integer into a String[].

* [DeadThread] Check for threads that are created and never used.

New warning checks:

* [CanonicalDuration] Canonicalize Durations, e.g. Duration.ofDays(1) instead of Duration.ofSeconds(86400)

* [JdkObsolete] Discourage the use of obsolete JDK classes.

* [ParameterName] Ensure /* name= */-style parameter comments match the corresponding formal parameter name

* [ProvidesFix] Ensure the new providesFix field in @BugPattern is correctly populated

* [UseCorrectAssertInTests] Detect usage of Java assert in test methods and provide suggested fix to replace occurrences with Truth test assertions

Other changes:

* Add providesFix field to @BugPattern to document whether BugCheckers provide suggested fixes, validated with ProvidesFix checker

* Add -XepCompilingTestOnlyCode to ErrorProneOptions, so BugCheckers can decide if they want to behave differently in test-only code

* Remove [LiteralClassName] - many of the occurrences of this pattern are deliberately avoiding a compile-time dependency on a class that may not be present at runtime, and the work-around of handling a LinkageError is bad practice

* Format test inputs in BugCheckerRefactoringTestHelper so TEXT_MATCH tests ignore whitespace

* Report better failure messages in CompilationTestHelpers

* Allow @LazyInit to be used as a suppression mechanism for SynchronizeOnNonFinalField

* FormatStringAnnotation checks no longer apply when the @FormatMethod method is mocked with Mockito and the method is passed Mockito matchers

* Add java.nio.file.Path to the list of well known immutable types

* Don't run ConstructorLeaksThis in unit tests

* Allow long non-file arguments to be spilled (#671)

* Fix a crash in IncrementInForLoopAndHeader (#711)

* Don't warn for methods that are overriding super-methods in InconsistentOverloads (#718)

* Handle @SuppressWarnings on members in ConstructorLeaksThis (#735)

* Handle non-array types (e.g. null) in CollectionToArraySafeParameter (#733)

* Fix NullPointerException in OptionalNotPresent checker (#738)

* Update Gradle example to latest version (#753)

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