Getting Started Guide

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Peter Schmidler

Sep 21, 2014, 8:46:18 PM9/21/14
Dear Community,

I am tempted to jump onto the train using Erpnext, and I'm willing to contribute to the project. I'm originally a fronten developer, but I'd like to get started with the Python stack now. Can anyone give me a hint or share some resources how to get started, installing a local version of Nexterp on my Mac? I didn't find a complete guide, yet. I'm aware that I will have to deal with Frappe (, Frappee Bench ( and Erpnext ( in some ways but I'm unsure how to put everything together in order to have a working development environment. I am grateful for any hint.

Bst, PS

Rushabh Mehta

Sep 22, 2014, 2:38:32 AM9/22/14

On 22-Sep-2014, at 6:16 am, Peter Schmidler <> wrote:

Dear Community,

I am tempted to jump onto the train using Erpnext, and I'm willing to contribute to the project.

Awesome :) welcome to the forum.

I'm originally a fronten developer, but I'd like to get started with the Python stack now. Can anyone give me a hint or share some resources how to get started, installing a local version of Nexterp on my Mac?

I use a Mac for my development too. Make sure you have homebrew installed and then install the pre-requisites. And then install the bench

I didn't find a complete guide, yet. I'm aware that I will have to deal with Frappe (, Frappee Bench ( and Erpnext ( in some ways but I'm unsure how to put everything together in order to have a working development environment. I am grateful for any hint.

Just do through the guide and build the sample app - it will help you clear out a lot of concepts.

Make a fork of frappe/frappe and frappe/erpnext and start pushing :)

Feel free to ask questions here or on IRC #frappe

Bst, PS

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Peter Schmidler

Sep 22, 2014, 3:59:48 PM9/22/14

Dear ERPnext team, I am still struggling to setup on my local machine to start developing. When I enter "bench new-sitesite1.local" I get the following output: The SQL database site1.localwas successfully created. Can you point me towards a solution? Still seems like there's something wrong with my SQL password. But in SequelPro I am able to login with that password. ALso in SequelPro I see the site1.local database with an __Auth table inside.  In mySQL users table I see a user for localhost called site1.local without any rights e.g. Select_priv N ... What can it be?

Bst, Max


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Peter Schmidler

Sep 22, 2014, 4:09:11 PM9/22/14
P.S. I tried to install everything again from scratch and now I get a different error message. I hope it helps you to help me ;)

Luis Fernandes

Sep 22, 2014, 4:46:26 PM9/22/14
Just for help you.

You have problems of permissions on mysql. Look for permissions  on 

try this: mysql -u root -p to verify if you can login.

If not solve the problem edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf and change bind-address to bind-address  =

I have mac too, so i suggest you to install vagrant it will make things smooth.

Here it how to do it:
Make sure to install virtualbox 

It is simple:

mkdir ~/erpnext4
cd erpnext4
mkdir erpnext <-- this folder is here you will put frappe and access all the files from mac.


put this in the Vagrantfile that was created with the command init:

config.vm.define "erpnext" do |erpnext| "forwarded_port", guest: 8000, host: 8000 "forwarded_port", guest: 3306, host: 3306 "forwarded_port", guest: 6379, host: 6379 "private_network", ip: ""
    erpnext.vm.synced_folder "erpnext/", "/vagrant"

vagrant up

vagrant ssh

install bench...

Luis Fernandes

Sep 22, 2014, 4:48:45 PM9/22/14
don't put vagrant up and vagrant ssh inside Vagrantfile!

Peter Schmidler

Sep 23, 2014, 7:55:48 AM9/23/14
Nice. I'll try that out. Thanks!

Luis Fernandes

Sep 23, 2014, 9:33:30 AM9/23/14
You will still be working in mac. But you don't mess with it!

Peter Schmidler

Sep 27, 2014, 12:55:22 PM9/27/14
Is it the sam to install it on a VPS?

Luis Fernandes

Sep 27, 2014, 1:28:58 PM9/27/14
I don't know what do you mean by the same.

But it is private, virtual and server!

With vagrant you install a virtual ambient. The diference is that you can access the virtual machine from your mac. You don't need to install graphical ambient because your mac is the graphical ambient. 

You issue commands from mac terminal and can work with your favorite mac IDE, the same that you use every day.

After configured you can repeat the same process in every machine you want work without more configuration.

Anand Doshi

Sep 27, 2014, 11:05:01 PM9/27/14
Hi Luis,

Are you planning to make a vagrant file?


Sent from my phone
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Luis Fernandes

Sep 29, 2014, 12:07:52 PM9/29/14
Hi, Anand.

I have a fresh box already. It has all dependencies installed and i git cloned erpnext and shopping cart. These apps are ready to install but already in vagrant file. Just need to issue bench frappe --install_app erpnext site1.local and bench frappe --install_app shopping_cart site1.local. site1.local is installed by default. Mysql root password is erpnext.

Here is the link:

If you or any one of the community wants to try it is very simple, justo a few steps:

1. first you have to install virtualbox if it isn't already!
2. then install vagrant
3. then download the file (link above) and unzip it to any directory, and inside that directory make another empty directory with the name erpnext (it has to have this name. But you can change it in Vagrantfile).

4. then issue the following command, after download: vagrant box add frappe-erpnext-vagrant-box
frappe-erpnext-vagrant-box is the title at your choice but if you change it you have to change it in Vagrantfile too. The second name is the name of my box,
5. After that command you have to issue vagrant up and then wait, after that frappe is ready to start.
6. Do, vagrant ssh to enter in vagrant virtual machine (ubuntu 14.04 in this case...).
7. after vagrant ssh you are in virtual machine, do cd /vagrant/frappe-bench directory and bench start to go. This directory is the shared directory with the host machine (mac or windows).
8. some important commands: vagrant reload; vagrant halt; and you can change the memory used by guest machine in Vagrantfile.

Resume: if you already have installed virtualbox and vagrant you just have to download my box and make the erpnext directory, issue vagrant box add frappe-erpnext-vagrant-box, vagrant up and vagrant ssh.

In the erpnext directory my box will make the frappe-bench directory with frappe and bench already configured. This is the directory that you use in the host machine and share with the guest machine. This way you don't have to open virtualbox gui of the guest machine that is heavy, and you develop always with native app of host machine. The ports are forwarded in Vagrantfile and we access the frappe desk with host browser, http://localhost:8000 or if you prefer in this case the same to mysql, just see Vagrantfile.

Domingo, 28 de Setembro de 2014 4:05:01 UTC+1, Anand Doshi escreveu:
Hi Luis,

Are you planning to make a vagrant file?


Sent from my phone

On 27-Sep-2014, at 22:58, Luis Fernandes <> wrote:

I don't know what do you mean by the same.

But it is private, virtual and server!

With vagrant you install a virtual ambient. The diference is that you can access the virtual machine from your mac. You don't need to install graphical ambient because your mac is the graphical ambient. 

You issue commands from mac terminal and can work with your favorite mac IDE, the same that you use every day.

After configured you can repeat the same process in every machine you want work without more configuration.

Sábado, 27 de Setembro de 2014 17:55:22 UTC+1, Peter Schmidler escreveu:
Is it the sam to install it on a VPS?

Am Dienstag, 23. September 2014 15:33:30 UTC+2 schrieb Luis Fernandes:
You will still be working in mac. But you don't mess with it!

Terça-feira, 23 de Setembro de 2014 12:55:48 UTC+1, Peter Schmidler escreveu:
Nice. I'll try that out. Thanks!

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