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Liechty, Daniel

Dec 12, 2016, 6:56:58 PM12/12/16


FYI, from Lori Marino, looks like a really interesting gathering!


Daniel Liechty, PhD., DMin., ACSW, LCSW

Professor of Social Work

The School of Social Work 4650

Illinois State University

Normal IL 61790-4650

(309) 438-7615


"Any system of social ethics that allows

destruction of the very environment on

which society depends for its continued

existence is morally bankrupt."


Tommy Schmitz

Dec 13, 2016, 12:06:48 AM12/13/16
Thanks, Dan!   Tommy

Sent from my iPhone

David A. Elliott

Dec 15, 2016, 1:16:37 PM12/15/16
Greetings, Dan—

It’s been a while since I last wrote, and I want to thank you for keeping me in the loop. The storytelling of Gilgamesh went well, and I particularly enjoyed the post-performance conversations. I’m now wondering if anyone in the group is interested in the famous case history of "Ellen West," Ludwig Binswanger's initial articulation of existential psychology/psychiatry in clinical practice. As more material has become available to scholars, Binswanger’s analysis is being regarded more critically. Of particular interest is Binswanger's reliance during the final stage of Ellen’s treatment on the opinions of Dr. Alfred Hoche, who only one year prior to Ellen’s death co-authored a text (newly) translated as Permitting the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life. This work was instrumental to the introduction of the infamous "Akt T4" program, targeting disabled and mentally ill Germans; eventually, the Reich’s success with Akt T4 led to the development of concentration camps and the justification and refinement of the "final solution."

My own interest in this case, which first came to my attention in the early 1970s, has been to write a play focused on the final days of Ellen’s life. I believe it has profound relevance to our current discussions (and practices) of physician-assisted suicide; and in light of political trends, to the possible introduction of "socially beneficial" euthanasia. At the same time, I find myself sympathetic to the claim that a given life might be irreversibly oriented toward fulfillment through death. My greatest artistic challenge will be to present the conflicts within this situation in a way that stimulates reflection and discussion, rather than prescribing policy.

Do you know of anyone who might be interested in discussing the case?

All the best to you and your colleagues in the coming year!



David Elliott

Perhaps I could go on with my story, end it and begin another.
Endgame, Samuel Beckett

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