Enabling TLS-PSK issue, Erlang missing Ciphers? How would I add new ones?

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Jul 7, 2017, 10:28:59 AM7/7/17
to Erlang Questions
Hello everyone,

I am currently working on adding PSK functionality to EMQTT and/or RabbitMQ, and my first goal is to get it working in standard Erlang. I have a client that will connect with public-keys, and I am attempting to modify it to suit my needs.

A problem I have just encountered though is that Erlang does not seem to have any psk-ciphers , when I run rp(ssl:cipher_suites(erlang)). in the erlang terminal, I get a long list of ciphers but none of them are psk ciphers. For example, a cipher I am looking for is {psk, aes_256, sha512}, but none are psk:

... etc

When I run rp(ssl:cipher_suites(openssl)). in the terminal, similarly, there are no psk ciphers ------

However, the Erlang documentation for ssl (http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html) clearly states that psk is possible. And my openssl does contain psk ciphers for that matter. When I run openssl ciphers, two psk ciphers are available :

So, when I run my program, the server doesn't recognize the suite:

HERE is the output when I try to connect:
Eshell V7.2  (abort with ^G)
1> c(s).
2> s:start().
3> s:client("hello").

=ERROR REPORT==== 7-Jul-2017::10:20:34 ===
Error in process <0.52.0> with exit value:
** exception exit: {badmatch,{error,{options,{ciphers,[{psk,aes_256_cbc,
     in function  s:client/1 (s.erl, line 36)

Is there any way to add any ciphers to erlang?

- I know/think that I also need to use a lookup_fun on my server in ssl:listen to go and match the psk_identity presented by the client to a profile , I received this link: https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/32a1dca92c0f949ef6ce2c751b23aff82f9d998f/lib/ssl/test/ssl_test_lib.erl#L404
from another thread, pointing me to example implementation of the lookup_fun (sort of, not really). IF anyone can shed more light on this, I would greatly appreciate it. This is the next step once my server begins to recognize the cipher suite.

HERE is my erlang code I am working on to enable psks:

 1     -module(s).
2     -export([start/0, client/1, accept/1]).
4     start() ->
5        ssl:start(),
6        server(4000).
8     server(Port) ->
9             {ok, LSocket} = ssl:listen(Port, [{psk_identity, "abcde"}, {reuseaddr, true}]),
10             spawn(fun() -> accept(LSocket) end).
12     accept(LSocket) ->
13        {ok, Socket} = ssl:transport_accept(LSocket),
14        ok = ssl:ssl_accept(Socket),
15         Pid = spawn(fun() ->
16             io:format("Connection accepted ~p~n", [Socket]),
17             loop(Socket)
18        end),
19        ssl:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
20        accept(LSocket).
22     loop(Socket) ->
23        ssl:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
24        receive
25        {ssl,Sock, Data} ->
26             io:format("Got packet: ~p~n", [Data]),
27             ssl:send(Sock, Data),
28             loop(Socket);
29        {ssl_closed, Sock} ->
30             io:format("Closing socket: ~p~n", [Sock]);
31        Error ->
32             io:format("Error on socket: ~p~n", [Error])
33        end.
35     client(N) ->
36         {ok, Socket} = ssl:connect("localhost", 4000,  [{ciphers, [{psk, aes_256_cbc, sha512}]}, {psk_identity, "abcde"}]),
37         io:format("Client opened socket: ~p~n",[Socket]),
38         ok = ssl:send(Socket, N),
39         Value = receive
40                 {ssl,{sslsocket,new_ssl,_}, Data} ->
41                     io:format("Client received: ~p~n",[Data])
42                 after 2000 ->
43                     0
44                 end,
45         ssl:close(Socket),
46         Value.

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