Patch Package OTP-24.3 Released

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Henrik Nord X

Mar 10, 2022, 6:13:20 AM3/10/22
Patch Package:           OTP 24.3
Git Tag:                 OTP-24.3
Date:                    2022-03-10
Trouble Report Id:       OTP-15719, OTP-16559, OTP-16607, OTP-17455,
                         OTP-17656, OTP-17718, OTP-17759, OTP-17800,
                         OTP-17812, OTP-17815, OTP-17816, OTP-17822,
                         OTP-17830, OTP-17838, OTP-17839, OTP-17840,
                         OTP-17843, OTP-17847, OTP-17851, OTP-17852,
                         OTP-17854, OTP-17857, OTP-17865, OTP-17868,
                         OTP-17877, OTP-17880, OTP-17883, OTP-17886,
                         OTP-17887, OTP-17888, OTP-17891, OTP-17893,
                         OTP-17895, OTP-17900, OTP-17902, OTP-17903,
                         OTP-17904, OTP-17905, OTP-17907, OTP-17912,
                         OTP-17918, OTP-17924, OTP-17928, OTP-17929,
                         OTP-17931, OTP-17941, OTP-17942, OTP-17947,
                         OTP-17959, OTP-17962
Seq num:                 ERIERL-688, ERIERL-724, ERIERL-732,
                         ERIERL-750, ERIERL-757, ERIERL-761, GH-4852,
                         GH-5140, GH-5332, GH-5367, GH-5402, GH-5425,
                         GH-5548, GH-5571, GH-5662, GH-5667, GH-5680,
                         GH-5686, GH-5708, GH-5757
System:                  OTP
Release:                 24
Application:             asn1-5.0.18, common_test-1.22.1,
                         compiler-8.1, crypto-5.0.6, debugger-5.2.1,
                         diameter-2.2.5, eldap-1.2.10,
                         erl_docgen-1.2.1, erl_interface-5.2,
                         erts-12.3, inets-7.5.2, jinterface-1.12.2,
                         kernel-8.3, megaco-4.3, mnesia-4.20.2,
                         observer-2.11, public_key-1.12,
                         runtime_tools-1.18, sasl-4.1.2, snmp-5.12,
                         ssh-4.13.2, ssl-10.7, stdlib-3.17.1, wx-2.1.2
Predecessor:             OTP 24.2.2

 Check out the git tag OTP-24.3, and build a full OTP system including
 documentation. Apply one or more applications from this build as
 patches to your installation using the 'otp_patch_apply' tool. For
 information on install requirements, see descriptions for each
 application version below.

 --- HIGHLIGHTS ------------------------------------------------------

  OTP-17455    Application(s): erts, kernel
               Related Id(s): GH-4852

               Add support for using socket:sockaddr_in() and
               socket:sockaddr_in6() when using gen_sctp, gen_tcp and
               gen_udp. This will make it possible to use Link Local
               IPv6 addresses.

  OTP-17812    Application(s): crypto
               Related Id(s): OTP-16282, OTP-16646

               The crypto app in OTP can since OTP-24.2 be compiled,
               linked and used with the new OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib.

               The crypto app has 3.0 support has been improved, but
               is still *not recommended* for other usages than
               experiments and alpha testing. There are not yet any
               guaranties that it works, not even together with other
               OTP applications like for example SSL and SSH, although
               there are no known errors.

               Since the previous release, OTP-24.2, the following
               improvements have been done:

               - It has been tested during nearly every nightly test
               on the OTP lab

               - The hash algorithms md4 and ripemd160 have been
               enabled with OpenSSL 3.0.

               - The ciphers blowfish_cbc, blowfish_ecb, des_cbc,
               des_cfb, des_ecb, rc2_cbc and rc4 have been enabled
               with OpenSSL 3.0.

               Disabled or unsupported with OpenSSL 3.0 are still:

               - ENGINE support

               - FIPS mode

               - Other providers than the built-in ones

               - Compiling and linking with OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib in
               compatibility modes (for example to behave as 1.1.1)

               and, the ciphers blowfish_cfb64 and blowfish_ofb64 are
               not supported and will not be either.

               Deprecated functions in the OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib must
               not be disabled as OTP/crypto still uses some of the
               deprecated API functions. The gcc flag
               -Wno-deprecated-declarations is set to prevent
               deprecation warnings to be printed when compiling.

  OTP-17843    Application(s): erts, kernel
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-732, PR-5611

               By default global does not take any actions to restore
               a fully connected network when connections are lost due
               to network issues. This is problematic for all
               applications expecting a fully connected network to be
               provided, such as for example mnesia, but also for
               global itself. A network of overlapping partitions
               might cause the internal state of global to become
               inconsistent. Such an inconsistency can remain even
               after such partitions have been brought together to
               form a fully connected network again. The effect on
               other applications that expects that a fully connected
               network is maintained may vary, but they might
               misbehave in very subtle hard to detect ways during
               such a partitioning.

               In order to prevent such issues, we have introduced a
               prevent overlapping partitions fix which can be enabled
               using the prevent_overlapping_partitions kernel(6)
               parameter. When this fix has been enabled, global will
               actively disconnect from nodes that reports that they
               have lost connections to other nodes. This will cause
               fully connected partitions to form instead of leaving
               the network in a state with overlapping partitions.
               Note that this fix has to be enabled on all nodes in
               the network in order to work properly. Since this quite
               substantially changes the behavior, this fix is
               currently disabled by default. Since you might get hard
               to detect issues without this fix you are, however,
               strongly advised to enable this fix in order to avoid
               issues such as the ones described above. As of OTP 25
               this fix will become enabled by default.

 --- POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITIES -------------------------------------

  OTP-17928    Application(s): ssh
               Related Id(s): PR-5679

               Improper tag for private ED keys when encoding with

               The tuple had ed_priv as first element, but should have
               had ed_pri. This is now corrected.

 --- OTP-24.3 --------------------------------------------------------

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17893    Application(s): otp
               Related Id(s): PR-5458

               A cross compilation configuration for darwin aarch64
               has been added.

 --- asn1-5.0.18 -----------------------------------------------------

 The asn1-5.0.18 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17959    Application(s): asn1
               Related Id(s): GH-5757

               Add support for the maps option in combination with the
               jer backend.

 Full runtime dependencies of asn1-5.0.18: erts-11.0, kernel-7.0,

 --- common_test-1.22.1 ----------------------------------------------

 The common_test-1.22.1 application can be applied independently of
 other applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17888    Application(s): common_test

               OTP internal test fix.

 Full runtime dependencies of common_test-1.22.1: compiler-6.0,
 crypto-3.6, debugger-4.1, erts-7.0, ftp-1.0.0, inets-6.0, kernel-4.0,
 observer-2.1, runtime_tools-1.8.16, sasl-2.4.2, snmp-5.1.2, ssh-4.0,
 stdlib-3.5, syntax_tools-1.7, tools-2.8, xmerl-1.3.8

 --- compiler-8.1 ----------------------------------------------------

 The compiler-8.1 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17895    Application(s): compiler

               The expression <<0/native-float>>=Bin would always fail
               to match, while <<0/float-native>>=Bin would match
               (provided that Bin contained the binary representation
               of 0.0)

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17886    Application(s): compiler
               Related Id(s): GH-5140, GH-5686

               The compiler will now compile huge functions with
               straight-line code faster.

 Full runtime dependencies of compiler-8.1: crypto-3.6, erts-11.0,
 kernel-7.0, stdlib-3.13

 --- crypto-5.0.6 ----------------------------------------------------

 The crypto-5.0.6 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17812    Application(s): crypto
               Related Id(s): OTP-16282, OTP-16646

               *** HIGHLIGHT ***

               The crypto app in OTP can since OTP-24.2 be compiled,
               linked and used with the new OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib.

               The crypto app has 3.0 support has been improved, but
               is still *not recommended* for other usages than
               experiments and alpha testing. There are not yet any
               guaranties that it works, not even together with other
               OTP applications like for example SSL and SSH, although
               there are no known errors.

               Since the previous release, OTP-24.2, the following
               improvements have been done:

               - It has been tested during nearly every nightly test
               on the OTP lab

               - The hash algorithms md4 and ripemd160 have been
               enabled with OpenSSL 3.0.

               - The ciphers blowfish_cbc, blowfish_ecb, des_cbc,
               des_cfb, des_ecb, rc2_cbc and rc4 have been enabled
               with OpenSSL 3.0.

               Disabled or unsupported with OpenSSL 3.0 are still:

               - ENGINE support

               - FIPS mode

               - Other providers than the built-in ones

               - Compiling and linking with OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib in
               compatibility modes (for example to behave as 1.1.1)

               and, the ciphers blowfish_cfb64 and blowfish_ofb64 are
               not supported and will not be either.

               Deprecated functions in the OpenSSL 3.0 cryptolib must
               not be disabled as OTP/crypto still uses some of the
               deprecated API functions. The gcc flag
               -Wno-deprecated-declarations is set to prevent
               deprecation warnings to be printed when compiling.

  OTP-17941    Application(s): crypto
               Related Id(s): OTP-17942

               Crypto is adapted to LibreSSL 3.5.0 on OpenBSD.

  OTP-17942    Application(s): crypto
               Related Id(s): OTP-17941

               New configure option ( --disable-otp-test-engine) to
               prohibit the build of the OTP test engine used in some
               test suites.

               The reason is that the test engine could be hard to
               compile on for instance LibreSSL 3.5.0. For that
               particular cryptolib version (or higher), this
               configure option is set automatically.

 Full runtime dependencies of crypto-5.0.6: erts-9.0, kernel-5.3,

 --- debugger-5.2.1 --------------------------------------------------

 The debugger-5.2.1 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17865    Application(s): debugger
               Related Id(s): GH-5571

               Fix record index matching, it was broken and could
               never match.

 Full runtime dependencies of debugger-5.2.1: compiler-8.0, erts-12.0,
 kernel-8.0, stdlib-3.15, wx-2.0

 --- diameter-2.2.5 --------------------------------------------------

 The diameter-2.2.5 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17962    Application(s): diameter, inets, megaco, snmp, stdlib

               The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM
               files. There remained several undocumented functions
               that attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those
               have now been removed.

 Full runtime dependencies of diameter-2.2.5: erts-10.0, kernel-3.2,
 ssl-9.0, stdlib-2.4

 --- eldap-1.2.10 ----------------------------------------------------

 The eldap-1.2.10 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17877    Application(s): eldap
               Related Id(s): PR-5615

               Fix eldap extensibleMatch dnAttributes option.

               According to the ldap ASN1 the dnAttributes should be a
               bool, instead it was generated as a string.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17924    Application(s): eldap
               Related Id(s): PR-5538

               Implemented paged searches according to

 Full runtime dependencies of eldap-1.2.10: asn1-3.0, erts-6.0,
 kernel-3.0, ssl-5.3.4, stdlib-2.0

 --- erl_docgen-1.2.1 ------------------------------------------------

 The erl_docgen-1.2.1 application can be applied independently of
 other applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17852    Application(s): erl_docgen

               Fix css for large tables and images on small screens

  OTP-17907    Application(s): erl_docgen
               Related Id(s): GH-5662, PR-5666

               Fix bug with codeinclude tag that caused it to not
               include the code if used in a correct, but unexpected

 Full runtime dependencies of erl_docgen-1.2.1: edoc-1.0, erts-9.0,
 kernel-8.0, stdlib-3.15, xmerl-1.3.7

 --- erl_interface-5.2 -----------------------------------------------

 The erl_interface-5.2 application can be applied independently of
 other applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17883    Application(s): erl_interface
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-724, PR-5601

               Add --enable-ei-dynamic-lib configure option that will
               make erl_interface also release a dynamic library
               version of libei.

 --- Known Bugs and Problems ---

  OTP-16607    Application(s): erl_interface
               Related Id(s): OTP-16608

               The ei API for decoding/encoding terms is not fully
               64-bit compatible since terms that have a
               representation on the external term format larger than
               2 GB cannot be handled.

 --- erts-12.3 -------------------------------------------------------

 Note! The erts-12.3 application *cannot* be applied independently of
       other applications on an arbitrary OTP 24 installation.

       On a full OTP 24 installation, also the following runtime
       dependency has to be satisfied:
       -- kernel-8.3 (first satisfied in OTP 24.3)

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17822    Application(s): erts

               Fixed a bug in the x86 JIT that might cause floating
               point instructions to wrongly throw an exception.

  OTP-17838    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): PR-5748

               Preserve correct nodedown_reason if supervised
               distribution controller processes exit with {shutdown,

  OTP-17840    Application(s): erts, kernel

               Handling of send_timeout for gen_tcp has been corrected
               so that the timeout is honored also when sending 0

  OTP-17843    Application(s): erts, kernel
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-732, PR-5611

               *** HIGHLIGHT ***

               By default global does not take any actions to restore
               a fully connected network when connections are lost due
               to network issues. This is problematic for all
               applications expecting a fully connected network to be
               provided, such as for example mnesia, but also for
               global itself. A network of overlapping partitions
               might cause the internal state of global to become
               inconsistent. Such an inconsistency can remain even
               after such partitions have been brought together to
               form a fully connected network again. The effect on
               other applications that expects that a fully connected
               network is maintained may vary, but they might
               misbehave in very subtle hard to detect ways during
               such a partitioning.

               In order to prevent such issues, we have introduced a
               prevent overlapping partitions fix which can be enabled
               using the prevent_overlapping_partitions kernel(6)
               parameter. When this fix has been enabled, global will
               actively disconnect from nodes that reports that they
               have lost connections to other nodes. This will cause
               fully connected partitions to form instead of leaving
               the network in a state with overlapping partitions.
               Note that this fix has to be enabled on all nodes in
               the network in order to work properly. Since this quite
               substantially changes the behavior, this fix is
               currently disabled by default. Since you might get hard
               to detect issues without this fix you are, however,
               strongly advised to enable this fix in order to avoid
               issues such as the ones described above. As of OTP 25
               this fix will become enabled by default.

  OTP-17900    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): GH-5667

               Corrected the type specification of erlang:seq_trace/2.

  OTP-17904    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-757

               Fix memory leak when tracing on running on a process
               that only handle system tasks or non-message signals
               (for example process_info requests).

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17455    Application(s): erts, kernel
               Related Id(s): GH-4852

               *** HIGHLIGHT ***

               Add support for using socket:sockaddr_in() and
               socket:sockaddr_in6() when using gen_sctp, gen_tcp and
               gen_udp. This will make it possible to use Link Local
               IPv6 addresses.

  OTP-17718    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): PR-5199

               Show on_load failure reasons in embedded mode.

  OTP-17891    Application(s): erts
               Related Id(s): PR-5589

               Compile date saved in the Erlang VM executable has been

  OTP-17918    Application(s): erts, kernel

               Improve documentation for the dynamic node name

 Full runtime dependencies of erts-12.3: kernel-8.3, sasl-3.3,

 --- inets-7.5.2 -----------------------------------------------------

 The inets-7.5.2 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17962    Application(s): diameter, inets, megaco, snmp, stdlib

               The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM
               files. There remained several undocumented functions
               that attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those
               have now been removed.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17931    Application(s): inets
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-761

               Documentation fix for inets:services_info/0, which now
               describes that Info might be a Reason term() in case
               when {error, Reason} is returned as service info.

 Full runtime dependencies of inets-7.5.2: erts-6.0, kernel-3.0,
 mnesia-4.12, runtime_tools-1.8.14, ssl-5.3.4, stdlib-3.5

 --- jinterface-1.12.2 -----------------------------------------------

 The jinterface-1.12.2 application can be applied independently of
 other applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17887    Application(s): jinterface
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-750, PR-5640

               Fix bug in OtpOutputStream.write_pid/4 and write_ref/3
               causing faulty encodig. Bug exists since OTP 23.0.

 --- kernel-8.3 ------------------------------------------------------

 Note! The kernel-8.3 application *cannot* be applied independently of
       other applications on an arbitrary OTP 24 installation.

       On a full OTP 24 installation, also the following runtime
       dependency has to be satisfied:
       -- erts-12.3 (first satisfied in OTP 24.3)

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17840    Application(s): erts, kernel

               Handling of send_timeout for gen_tcp has been corrected
               so that the timeout is honored also when sending 0

  OTP-17843    Application(s): erts, kernel
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-732, PR-5611

               *** HIGHLIGHT ***

               By default global does not take any actions to restore
               a fully connected network when connections are lost due
               to network issues. This is problematic for all
               applications expecting a fully connected network to be
               provided, such as for example mnesia, but also for
               global itself. A network of overlapping partitions
               might cause the internal state of global to become
               inconsistent. Such an inconsistency can remain even
               after such partitions have been brought together to
               form a fully connected network again. The effect on
               other applications that expects that a fully connected
               network is maintained may vary, but they might
               misbehave in very subtle hard to detect ways during
               such a partitioning.

               In order to prevent such issues, we have introduced a
               prevent overlapping partitions fix which can be enabled
               using the prevent_overlapping_partitions kernel(6)
               parameter. When this fix has been enabled, global will
               actively disconnect from nodes that reports that they
               have lost connections to other nodes. This will cause
               fully connected partitions to form instead of leaving
               the network in a state with overlapping partitions.
               Note that this fix has to be enabled on all nodes in
               the network in order to work properly. Since this quite
               substantially changes the behavior, this fix is
               currently disabled by default. Since you might get hard
               to detect issues without this fix you are, however,
               strongly advised to enable this fix in order to avoid
               issues such as the ones described above. As of OTP 25
               this fix will become enabled by default.

  OTP-17851    Application(s): kernel

               Fix bug where logger would crash when logging a report
               including improper lists.

  OTP-17902    Application(s): kernel
               Related Id(s): GH-5402, PR-5670

               Make erlang:set_cookie work for dynamic node names.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17455    Application(s): erts, kernel
               Related Id(s): GH-4852

               *** HIGHLIGHT ***

               Add support for using socket:sockaddr_in() and
               socket:sockaddr_in6() when using gen_sctp, gen_tcp and
               gen_udp. This will make it possible to use Link Local
               IPv6 addresses.

  OTP-17905    Application(s): kernel
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-732, PR-5740

               A net_tickintensity kernel parameter has been
               introduced. It can be used to control the amount of
               ticks during a net_ticktime period.

               A new net_kernel:start/2 function has also been
               introduced in order to make it easier to add new
               options. The use of net_kernel:start/1 has been

  OTP-17918    Application(s): erts, kernel

               Improve documentation for the dynamic node name

 Full runtime dependencies of kernel-8.3: crypto-5.0, erts-12.3,
 sasl-3.0, stdlib-3.13

 --- megaco-4.3 ------------------------------------------------------

 The megaco-4.3 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17962    Application(s): diameter, inets, megaco, snmp, stdlib

               The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM
               files. There remained several undocumented functions
               that attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those
               have now been removed.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17839    Application(s): megaco

               Update the performance and debug chapters of the megaco
               user's guide. Also some updates to the meas tools.

 Full runtime dependencies of megaco-4.3: asn1-3.0, debugger-4.0,
 erts-12.0, et-1.5, kernel-8.0, runtime_tools-1.8.14, stdlib-2.5

 --- mnesia-4.20.2 ---------------------------------------------------

 The mnesia-4.20.2 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17656    Application(s): mnesia
               Related Id(s): ERIERL-688

               Reduce the number of locks taken during table copying,
               should reduce the startup time on large systems.

 Full runtime dependencies of mnesia-4.20.2: erts-9.0, kernel-5.3,

 --- observer-2.11 ---------------------------------------------------

 Note! The observer-2.11 application *cannot* be applied independently
       of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 24 installation.

       On a full OTP 24 installation, also the following runtime
       dependencies have to be satisfied:
       -- kernel-8.1 (first satisfied in OTP 24.1)
       -- runtime_tools-1.17 (first satisfied in OTP 24.1)

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17880    Application(s): observer
               Related Id(s): PR-5557

               Calculate the display width in etop, instead of
               hard-coding it to 89 characters.

 Full runtime dependencies of observer-2.11: erts-11.0, et-1.5,
 kernel-8.1, runtime_tools-1.17, stdlib-3.13, wx-1.2

 --- public_key-1.12 -------------------------------------------------

 The public_key-1.12 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17816    Application(s): public_key, ssl
               Related Id(s): PR-5607

               Support password fun for protected keyfiles in
               ssl:connect function.

 Full runtime dependencies of public_key-1.12: asn1-3.0, crypto-3.8,
 erts-6.0, kernel-3.0, stdlib-3.5

 --- runtime_tools-1.18 ----------------------------------------------

 Note! The runtime_tools-1.18 application *cannot* be applied
       independently of other applications on an arbitrary OTP 24

       On a full OTP 24 installation, also the following runtime
       dependency has to be satisfied:
       -- kernel-8.1 (first satisfied in OTP 24.1)

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17800    Application(s): runtime_tools
               Related Id(s): PR-5425

               Fixed bug in scheduler:utilization(Seconds) that would
               leave the scheduler_wall_time system flag incorrectly

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17830    Application(s): runtime_tools
               Related Id(s): GH-5425, PR-5444

               Add scheduler:get_sample/0 and get_sample_all/0. Also
               clarify scheduler module documentation about how it
               depends on system flag scheduler_wall_time.

 Full runtime dependencies of runtime_tools-1.18: erts-11.0,
 kernel-8.1, mnesia-4.12, stdlib-3.13

 --- sasl-4.1.2 ------------------------------------------------------

 The sasl-4.1.2 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17854    Application(s): sasl
               Related Id(s): PR-5596

               Fix bug in systools:make_script/1 documentation.

 Full runtime dependencies of sasl-4.1.2: erts-10.2, kernel-5.3,
 stdlib-3.4, tools-2.6.14

 --- snmp-5.12 -------------------------------------------------------

 The snmp-5.12 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17962    Application(s): diameter, inets, megaco, snmp, stdlib

               The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM
               files. There remained several undocumented functions
               that attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those
               have now been removed.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-16559    Application(s): snmp

               [agent] Remove expectation of socket being a port.

 Full runtime dependencies of snmp-5.12: crypto-3.3, erts-12.0,
 kernel-8.0, mnesia-4.12, runtime_tools-1.8.14, stdlib-2.5

 --- ssh-4.13.2 ------------------------------------------------------

 The ssh-4.13.2 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17847    Application(s): ssh, ssl
               Related Id(s): GH-5548, PR-5574

               Fix makefile dependency bugs.

  OTP-17868    Application(s): ssh
               Related Id(s): PR-5520

               Fixed faulty OpenSSH decoding of Ed25519/Ed448 keys in
               the OpenSSH format openssh_key_v1.

  OTP-17912    Application(s): ssh
               Related Id(s): GH-5680

               Correction of ssh_file typing, specially for the
               experimental openssh-key-v1 encoding.

  OTP-17928    Application(s): ssh
               Related Id(s): PR-5679

               *** POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY ***

               Improper tag for private ED keys when encoding with

               The tuple had ed_priv as first element, but should have
               had ed_pri. This is now corrected.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-17857    Application(s): ssh
               Related Id(s): PR-5532

               Add support for Ed25519/Ed448 SSH host keys in the RFC
               4716 format ("-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY-----")
               generated by for example openssl or via Erlang
               functions (i.e. public_key:generate_key({namedCurve,

               Ed25519 SSH host keys generated by ssh-keygen was, and
               are still, supported.

 Full runtime dependencies of ssh-4.13.2: crypto-5.0, erts-9.0,
 kernel-5.3, public_key-1.6.1, runtime_tools-1.15.1, stdlib-3.15

 --- ssl-10.7 --------------------------------------------------------

 Note! The ssl-10.7 application *cannot* be applied independently of
       other applications on an arbitrary OTP 24 installation.

       On a full OTP 24 installation, also the following runtime
       dependency has to be satisfied:
       -- public_key-1.11.3 (first satisfied in OTP 24.1.2)

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17759    Application(s): ssl
               Related Id(s): GH-5367

               Improved error handling.

  OTP-17815    Application(s): ssl
               Related Id(s): GH-5332

               Before this change, net_kernel used with TLS
               distribution might be leaking processes in case of
               connectivity issues.

  OTP-17847    Application(s): ssh, ssl
               Related Id(s): GH-5548, PR-5574

               Fix makefile dependency bugs.

  OTP-17929    Application(s): ssl
               Related Id(s): GH-5708

               Make sure the TLS sender process handles explicit calls
               to erlang:disconnect_node properly, avoiding potential
               hanging problems in net_kernel.

 --- Improvements and New Features ---

  OTP-15719    Application(s): ssl

               Add support for TLS-1.3 certificate_authorities
               extension. And process certificate_authorities field in
               pre-TLS-1.3 certificate requests.

  OTP-17816    Application(s): public_key, ssl
               Related Id(s): PR-5607

               Support password fun for protected keyfiles in
               ssl:connect function.

  OTP-17903    Application(s): ssl

               Add in some cases earlier detection of possible DoS
               attacks by malicious clients sending unexpected TLS
               messages instead of the client hello. Note that such
               attacks are already mitigated by providing a timeout
               for the TLS handshake.

 Full runtime dependencies of ssl-10.7: crypto-5.0, erts-10.0,
 inets-5.10.7, kernel-8.0, public_key-1.11.3, runtime_tools-1.15.1,

 --- stdlib-3.17.1 ---------------------------------------------------

 The stdlib-3.17.1 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17962    Application(s): diameter, inets, megaco, snmp, stdlib

               The compilation time is no longer recorded in BEAM
               files. There remained several undocumented functions
               that attempted to retrieve compilation times. Those
               have now been removed.

 Full runtime dependencies of stdlib-3.17.1: compiler-5.0, crypto-3.3,
 erts-12.0, kernel-7.0, sasl-3.0

 --- wx-2.1.2 --------------------------------------------------------

 The wx-2.1.2 application can be applied independently of other
 applications on a full OTP 24 installation.

 --- Fixed Bugs and Malfunctions ---

  OTP-17947    Application(s): wx

               Removed the static_data option from wxImage creation
               functions, as it was broken and could lead to crashes.
               Now image data is always copied to wxWidgets as was the
               default behavior.

               Removed some non working wxGridEvent event types, which
               have there own events in newer wxWidgets versions, and
               added a couple of event types that where missing in wx.

 Full runtime dependencies of wx-2.1.2: erts-6.0, kernel-3.0,


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