Erlang shell evolutions

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Nicolas Martyanoff

Apr 11, 2022, 6:09:39 AM4/11/22

For anyone interested, this official announce may be interesting for
anyone using the Erlang shell:

I cannot seem to see any email on this ML on the subject; could this
kind of official communication be also posted here ? I had to create an
account on the forum just to answer, and I cannot say I'm pleased with

Nicolas Martyanoff

Yao Bao

Apr 11, 2022, 7:24:43 AM4/11/22
to Nicolas Martyanoff,
Maybe can create an account and subscribe to official discussions, as a human.


Richard O'Keefe

Apr 11, 2022, 11:21:42 PM4/11/22
to Nicolas Martyanoff, Erlang Questions
So what I feared has come to pass.  There is discussion about
what might change in Erlang that is NOT being reflected here.
(I see a bunch of discussion around the lists module that I
would have taken part in had it been here.)
The people in this mailing list are not second class citizens.
No, we are third class.
This is a real kick in the teeth.  I am not happy.

Ivan Uemlianin

Apr 12, 2022, 4:23:48 AM4/12/22
to Richard O'Keefe, Erlang Questions
Deprecating this ML and moving to like this has a strong EOL Support vibe to it.

hilaritas excessum habere nequit

On 12 Apr 2022, at 04:21, Richard O'Keefe <> wrote:

Maria Scott

Apr 12, 2022, 7:00:06 AM4/12/22
to Ivan Uemlianin, Richard O'Keefe, Erlang Questions
Well, to be fair, it has been announced previously that the OTP team will not participate in the ML any longer and will concentrate on the forum instead. This is not to say that I like it, but it is IMO understandable that they don't want to hold discussions in and split information and input across multiple channels. That said, I also see no feasible way to integrate one into the other such that posts and answers made in the forum can appear on the ML and/or vice versa :(

My 2 cents.

Benjamin Scherrey

Apr 12, 2022, 7:04:23 AM4/12/22
to Maria Scott, Erlang Questions
My understanding was that the forum software would post their messages to email but apparently that hasn't happened for this topic (and likely others). Does one have to go subscribe to each individual forum topic in order to receive them via email?

  -- Ben Scherrey

Igor Clark

Apr 12, 2022, 7:49:18 AM4/12/22
to Erlang Questions
As far as I understand it you don't need to do that - if you turn on mailing-list mode (in Profile > Preferences > Emails) then you can filter things out rather than in. It's under Profile > Preferences > Notifications.

I was quite wary of the move to the forum, and as far as I can tell the ideological/cultural/legal/CoC (etc) issues that many people here were concerned about haven't really changed. But for anyone who hasn't signed up simply because they don't like web forums: having tried it out and set it all up, I find that mailing list mode does work pretty well, with the additional benefit that you can filter out topics/categories/users you don't want to read. The main downside that I can see is that it only does HTML and not plain text emails. Apart from that though it now appears to me as a mailing list, with individual messages that I receive, read and can reply to by mail, and it has worked just fine for me so far. You can't do all the upvoting and liking and following etc that forums provide if you use it exclusively in mailing-list mode, but obviously that's not possible on a mailing list anyway, so it doesn't seem a big sacrifice.



Apr 14, 2022, 1:50:28 AM4/14/22
On 2022/04/11 19:09, Nicolas Martyanoff wrote:
> I cannot seem to see any email on this ML on the subject; could this
> kind of official communication be also posted here ? I had to create an
> account on the forum just to answer, and I cannot say I'm pleased with
> that.

Nope! Everything is ridiculous now.
Welcome to the "everything is fake, even communities" economy.
Enjoy it while it lasts -- will be this way for at least a few months.

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