An Erlang Ireland meetup?

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Aug 18, 2011, 7:34:39 AM8/18/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group

I will be in Ireland for a week in September. Would anyone be
interested in having an Erlang meetup?

Where is everyone based?

I could give a talk, or show you what I am doing with Erlang, or
perhaps we can just chat about Erlang over a pint?

Anyone interested?



Anton Krasovsky

Aug 19, 2011, 7:36:01 PM8/19/11
Hi Michael!

I'm certainly interested. When are you coming over?


Anton Krasovsky

Aug 19, 2011, 7:38:22 PM8/19/11
Yeah, I'm in Dublin myself. I'm not sure if we got much more people in
this group :) but maybe we could organize some introductory talk for
anyone who's interested in Erlang.


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 1:34 PM, mconnors <> wrote:

Michael Connors

Aug 20, 2011, 6:33:15 AM8/20/11
I will be around from the 12th to the 18th. I could arrange to be in Dublin one day or evening.

On 20 August 2011 01:38, Anton Krasovsky <> wrote:
Yeah, I'm in Dublin myself. I'm not sure if we got much more people in
this group :) but maybe we could organize some introductory talk for
anyone who's interested in Erlang.

Now the next thing is to find people who might want to hear the talk. Anything going on that week which we could piggy back on? 


Aug 22, 2011, 1:31:56 PM8/22/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group

We would have a few people in my group here at work who would be
interested. We are not using Erlang yet but will be very soon so we're
very interested in learning as much as we can about it.


On Aug 20, 11:33 am, Michael Connors <> wrote:
> I will be around from the 12th to the 18th. I could arrange to be in Dublin
> one day or evening.


Aug 22, 2011, 1:35:58 PM8/22/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group

I'm in Ireland around then but tied up with other stuff
unfortunately. Pity because I use Erlang every day at work, I work
for Ericsson and a lot of our software is Erlang based.


Aug 22, 2011, 4:50:04 PM8/22/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
+1 from me for an Erlang meetup.
I don't use Erlang at work myself, but I do work on a project which I
think fits Erlang very well. Just need a kick start to get me to
write some code and perhaps a meetup with some people might me the
push that I need.

Anton Krasovsky

Aug 22, 2011, 5:27:05 PM8/22/11
Surprised to see so much interest :). Anyways, regarding the day - I'm
good for pretty much any evening on these dates. Let's work out
something that suites everyone else.


Michael Connors

Aug 23, 2011, 1:15:09 PM8/23/11
On 22 August 2011 23:27, Anton Krasovsky <> wrote:
Surprised to see so much interest :). Anyways, regarding the day - I'm
good for pretty much any evening on these dates. Let's work out
something that suites everyone else.

So would people prefer the weekend or the week? I would prefer the 12 or 13th (Monday and Tuesday), or otherwise the 18th (Sunday) when I will be in Dublin anyway. 

Jakub Jarosz

Aug 24, 2011, 12:34:51 PM8/24/11
I am interested too. Looking forward for the meetup.


Aug 25, 2011, 9:04:41 AM8/25/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
I could meet up on any of the days, however it would be easier for me
to do on Mon or Tue evening.
Unfortunately I don't have any ideas as to where to meet. Does Dublin
city centre suit everyone ?


Aug 25, 2011, 9:14:54 AM8/25/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
Dublin City centre would certainly suit Jakub and I plus a few other
colleagues from here.

Aug 25, 2011, 5:43:11 PM8/25/11
Hi all,

I moved to Ireland recently, so I obviously would like to meet people. I am very fond of the Python programming language, because I find the syntax very good and clean. I simply enjoy writing code in Python. This way I found Python Ireland and joined their mailing list. Then earlier this week I saw a talk announced on the list: An introduction to Erlang for Python programmers. As far as I can read Erlang is a functional languages, and as a mathematician I find functional languages very appealing. A pure functional language - Haskell - is the most elegant programming language I know of. I can't write a fully functioning program in Haskell yet, but I know some of the syntax.

Now I'm wondering: what is the connection between Erlang and Python? Why is an intro given to Erlang from a Python perspective? Would anyone like to clarify this for me, please?

And by the way, when is this meetup you talk about happening? I have found out that Python people meet on the second Wednesday of every month - and I intend to join them. How about Erlang people? Do you have regular meetups as well?

A lot of questions. Hopefully someone can answer some of them.

Best regards,


Paul Barry

Aug 26, 2011, 7:03:49 AM8/26/11
My understanding is that the people on this list are trying to arrange
an initial Erlang meet-up to see if doing something on a regular basis
makes sense.

I haven't looked at Haskell, so I can't comment on it.

My webcast/talk for O'Reilly will primarily use Python as a
point-of-reference as I need to compare Erlang to some other language
(and Python works for me). There's no real link between the two
languages... but, as my talk will mention, there are a number of
companies combining Python and Erlang to deliver some very innovative
solutions (and one notable company doing so is based in Dublin). My
talk should (hopefully) give you a feel for Erlang and it various

Trusting this helps (and answers some of your questions).


Paul Barry, w:, e:
Lecturer, Computer Networking: Institute of Technology, Carlow, Ireland.

Daniel Kersten

Aug 26, 2011, 7:25:39 AM8/26/11
Hi everyone,

Just a quick message to say that I'm interested in attending the first
meetup and _should_ be able to go on any day.

I don't actually know Erlang (yet!) and have yet to do anything worth
mentioning with it, but I am very interested. Right now, I am reading
"Seven languages in seven weeks", but have not reached the Erlang
section. I did can through it and it looks very interesting. So, I'll
hopefully attend, but I won't be able to contribute anything
erlang-related to conversations just yet ;-)

PS: Paul, I'm living in Carlow right now, and also a longtime Python
Ireland member (though using the language very little these days...),
perhaps we should meet up for coffee sometime.


Malcolm D

Aug 26, 2011, 8:57:45 AM8/26/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group

I'm an Erlang developer working in Demonware in the city centre. This
sounds interesting - hopefully one or two of us will be able to make


On Aug 26, 12:25 pm, Daniel Kersten <> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Just a quick message to say that I'm interested in attending the first
> meetup and _should_ be able to go on any day.
> I don't actually know Erlang (yet!) and have yet to do anything worth
> mentioning with it, but I am very interested. Right now, I am reading
> "Seven languages in seven weeks", but have not reached the Erlang
> section. I did can through it and it looks very interesting. So, I'll
> hopefully attend, but I won't be able to contribute anything
> erlang-related to conversations just yet ;-)
> PS: Paul, I'm living in Carlow right now, and also a longtime Python
> Ireland member (though using the language very little these days...),
> perhaps we should meet up for coffee sometime.
> Regards,
> Dan.
> On 26 August 2011 12:03, Paul Barry <> wrote:
> > My understanding is that the people on this list are trying to arrange
> > an initial Erlang meet-up to see if doing something on a regular basis
> > makes sense.
> > I haven't looked at Haskell, so I can't comment on it.
> > My webcast/talk for O'Reilly will primarily use Python as a
> > point-of-reference as I need to compare Erlang to some other language
> > (and Python works for me).  There's no real link between the two
> > languages... but, as my talk will mention, there are a number of
> > companies combining Python and Erlang to deliver some very innovative
> > solutions (and one notable company doing so is based in Dublin).  My
> > talk should (hopefully) give you a feel for Erlang and it various
> > uses.
> > Trusting this helps (and answers some of your questions).
> > Paul.
> > On 25 August 2011 22:43, <> wrote:
> >> Hi all,
> >> I moved to Ireland recently, so I obviously would like to meet people. I am
> >> very fond of the Python programming language, because I find the syntax very
> >> good and clean. I simply enjoy writing code in Python. This way I found
> >> Python Ireland and joined their mailing list. Then earlier this week I saw a
> >> talk announced on the list: An introduction to Erlang for Python
> >> programmers. As far as I can read Erlang is a functional languages, and as a
> >> mathematician I find functional languages very appealing. A pure functional
> >> language - Haskell - is the most elegant programming language I know of. I
> >> can't write a fully functioning program in Haskell yet, but I know some of
> >> the syntax.
> >> Now I'm wondering: what is the connection between Erlang and Python? Why is
> >> an intro given to Erlang from a Python perspective? Would anyone like to
> >> clarify this for me, please?
> >> And by the way, when is this meetup you talk about happening? I have found
> >> out that Python people meet on the second Wednesday of every month - and I
> >> intend to join them. How about Erlang people? Do you have regular meetups as
> >> well?
> >> A lot of questions. Hopefully someone can answer some of them.
> >> Best regards,
> >> Sigmund
> > --
> > Paul Barry, w:, e:

Michael Connors

Aug 26, 2011, 9:05:59 AM8/26/11
I am surprised by the level of interest, it looks like this could be a success. 

So would Monday or Tuesday be good for everyone? I think I would actually prefer the Monday night. Anyone know a good venue? 

Any preferred formats? A couple of pre-planned talks, Informal talks/chat or maybe writing some code?  

Paul Barry

Aug 26, 2011, 10:15:15 AM8/26/11
Hi Malcolm.

I watched your Erlang Factory presentation a little while ago
(online). Very interesting stuff. With your permission, I'd love to
use some of your images in my upcoming webcast (with full credit to
you and Demonware, of course). Would this be possible?



Paul Barry, w:, e:


Aug 26, 2011, 11:50:01 AM8/26/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group

We are based in HSQ (near Hueston station in the building next door to
Eircom). We'd be prepared to host the meetup for September but as
newbies at Erlang we'd be depending on others to present something.
Let me know if this would be suitable for those interested in meeting


tom kelly

Aug 26, 2011, 11:54:09 AM8/26/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
+1 for the meeting. Based in Belfast but know the meeting will most
likely be in Dublin.
Just joined after seeing your post on the Erlang mailing list. Have
been using Erlang on & off since my time in Ericsson Athlone in 1999,
my first OTP course was given by Francesco Cesarini, but to answer
your question I'm pretty sure most of the rest of that group moved on
to other languages. Don't even know if Ericsson Ireland are still
using it, I left in 2002.
Really happy to see that it's finally generating some interest!

Aug 26, 2011, 12:14:27 PM8/26/11
On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 12:03, Paul Barry <> wrote:
My webcast/talk for O'Reilly will primarily use Python as a
point-of-reference as I need to compare Erlang to some other language
(and Python works for me).  There's no real link between the two
languages... but, as my talk will mention, there are a number of
companies combining Python and Erlang to deliver some very innovative
solutions (and one notable company doing so is based in Dublin).  My
talk should (hopefully) give you a feel for Erlang and it various

Sounds good. I registered for the talk at O'Reilly and I'm looking forward to it.

I live on the outskirts of Dublin, close to Blanchardstown, so any site in or around the city centre is suitable from my point of view. My expectations for such a meet-up aren't large, only to meet other programmers and hear a bit about Erlang.


Michael Connors

Aug 26, 2011, 12:32:30 PM8/26/11

We are based in HSQ (near Hueston station in the building next door to
Eircom). We'd be prepared to host the meetup for September but as
newbies at Erlang we'd be depending on others to present something.
Let me know if this would be suitable for those interested in meeting

From my point of view that would be fine. How does everyone else feel about it.

I have only been using Erlang for a year and a half myself, so there are plenty of more experienced people than me who are planning to come along. Is there anyone in particular who wants to talk? And what would they like to talk about? 

We seem to have a diverse group with people with different levels of experience. Perhaps we could make it a but unconference-like and see what transpires? 

Malcolm D

Aug 26, 2011, 1:17:45 PM8/26/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
On Aug 26, 3:15 pm, Paul Barry <> wrote:
> Hi Malcolm.
> I watched your Erlang Factory presentation a little while ago
> (online).  Very interesting stuff.  With your permission, I'd love to
> use some of your images in my upcoming webcast (with full credit to
> you and Demonware, of course).  Would this be possible?

Hi Paul,

Certainly - be my guest! I'm glad you found the presentation useful.



Sep 3, 2011, 5:34:52 AM9/3/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
Hi guys,

just found and joined the group. I have been working part-time with
Erlang for about a year now but am still very much a beginner. I am
based in Cork but can come up to Dublin for an event with a bit of
notice to arrange to work from Dublin for a couple of days.

I read through the messages above and the consensus seems to be Monday
evening, 12th September in HSQ next to Heuston. Is that correct?

I hope this event can go ahead and am looking forward to attending!


Michael Connors

Sep 3, 2011, 5:43:46 AM9/3/11

I read through the messages above and the consensus seems to be Monday
evening, 12th September in HSQ next to Heuston. Is that correct?

So is this the consensus? The list has been quiet. If people would prefer another time or location shout so we can do something about it. 

I was thinking of staying in the city, perhaps at Trinity Capital. I know they have internet, so perhaps that could also be a good location. I am fine with Heuston as well though.

So do people want a more central location?


Anton Krasovsky

Sep 5, 2011, 6:32:20 AM9/5/11
I don't mind going to Heuston if we decide to do it there, but I'd like Trinity Capital better. Also I've been to few Dublin Alt-Net meetups in Trinity Capital, and liked it there.


Diarmuid Gill

Sep 5, 2011, 6:38:25 AM9/5/11
Hi Anton

How much is it to host in Trinity Capital?


Daniel Kersten

Sep 5, 2011, 6:38:55 AM9/5/11
I would personally prefer somewhere in the city center, as, if I
attend, I'll be travelling from Carlow and while its easy to get to
Heuston, the return buses leave from the city center.

Having said that, wherever is decided is fine. I'm also not yet sure
if I'll make it.

Anton Krasovsky

Sep 5, 2011, 8:36:57 AM9/5/11
We were meeting in the lobby of the hotel, so it was free (well with the exception of a cost of few beers :)). This sort of meeting will be ok for more informal type of gathering. If there would be more then ten of us, or if someone want's to do a presentation (needs a projector, etc) it probably won't do.


Diarmuid Gill

Sep 5, 2011, 9:56:44 AM9/5/11
We would probably have about 6 people ourselves from AOL attending. We have pretty good meeting/presentation facilities so would be happy to host the evening for free. We also have parking available.

Michael Connors

Sep 5, 2011, 10:24:06 AM9/5/11
On 5 September 2011 15:56, Diarmuid Gill <> wrote:
We would probably have about 6 people ourselves from AOL attending. We have pretty good meeting/presentation facilities so would be happy to host the evening for free. We also have parking available.

I guess that would be 6 votes for Heuston, and 3 for Trinity capital (throwing up my hand for that one).

Could everyone who is thinking of coming, weigh in with their preference?

Sep 5, 2011, 10:40:46 AM9/5/11
Voting for the Trinity Capital hotel myself, since it's a more convenient location.


Michael Connors

Sep 5, 2011, 11:09:55 AM9/5/11
My suggested format in the case of using the Trinity Capital would be that anyone who has something to share would bring a laptop. 

I was thinking that I could show how to build an Erlang module to extend Zotonic (An Erlang based content management system). That is if anyone is interested. 

If we are at Heuston I could do the same on a big screen I guess. 

Anyone interested? It will be suitable for complete beginners, but will also teach how to do something useful with Erlang straight away. 

Does anyone else have something they would like to talk about or hear about?


Sep 5, 2011, 11:14:23 AM9/5/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
Trinity Capital suits me much better as I am nearer that part of the
city and won't have a car with me. But I will still attend if it is in

As for topics - if anyone has any experience working with Cloudant
from Erlang, I'd be very interested - or in SSL connections in general
form Erlang, setting up key files, etc.

Time? About 19:00?



On Sep 5, 4:09 pm, Michael Connors <> wrote:
> My suggested format in the case of using the Trinity Capital would be that
> anyone who has something to share would bring a laptop.
> I was thinking that I could show how to build an Erlang module to extend
> Zotonic (An Erlang based content management system). That is if anyone is
> interested.
> If we are at Heuston I could do the same on a big screen I guess.
> Anyone interested? It will be suitable for complete beginners, but will also
> teach how to do something useful with Erlang straight away.
> Does anyone else have something they would like to talk about or hear about?
> On 5 September 2011 16:40, <> wrote:
> > Voting for the Trinity Capital hotel myself, since it's a more convenient
> > location.
> > Sigmund
> > On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 14:24, Michael Connors <> wrote:

Sep 5, 2011, 11:50:42 AM9/5/11
On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 16:09, Michael Connors <> wrote:
I was thinking that I could show how to build an Erlang module to extend Zotonic (An Erlang based content management system). That is if anyone is interested. 

If we are at Heuston I could do the same on a big screen I guess. 

Anyone interested? It will be suitable for complete beginners, but will also teach how to do something useful with Erlang straight away. 

Sounds like a good idea. As a complete beginner I would definitely be interested.

When is the proposed date for this meeting?


Anton Krasovsky

Sep 5, 2011, 1:06:32 PM9/5/11
12th of September



Sep 7, 2011, 4:52:44 AM9/7/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
I have to drive into Dublin anyway, so am ok with either location.
I wonder how easy it will be to do this in a hotel lobby though.
What is the lobby like in Trinity Capital ? Is it a place where a
dozen or so people can meet up for a discussion ?

On Sep 5, 6:06 pm, Anton Krasovsky <> wrote:
> 12th of September
> Anton
> On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 4:50 PM, <>wrote:

Anton Krasovsky

Sep 8, 2011, 6:04:29 AM9/8/11
Well, we're nearing the end of the week, and no more votes are coming in. So it looks like it's going to be Heuston?


Diarmuid Gill

Sep 8, 2011, 6:59:34 AM9/8/11

I would say that if the purpose is just meet and greet and to chat and swap ideas that we should go for the city centre location (as we're in Hueston its not difficult for us to make it to the Trinity Capital) but if we want anyone to give a presentation, do a demo or anything else that requires AV equipment then we should use the office here. We can provide tea, coffee, soft drinks and if there's interest we could see about ordering in some food.


Michael Connors

Sep 8, 2011, 10:41:14 AM9/8/11
Sorry for the radio silence, I was on an overnight ferry journey from France. First chance I had to see my email.

On 8 September 2011 12:59, Diarmuid Gill <> wrote:

I would say that if the purpose is just meet and greet and to chat and swap ideas that we should go for the city centre location (as we're in Hueston its not difficult for us to make it to the Trinity Capital) but if we want anyone to give a presentation, do a demo or anything else that requires AV equipment then we should use the office here. We can provide tea, coffee, soft drinks and if there's interest we could see about ordering in some food.

It is looking like Heuston so. Since we have the facilities we should give a couple of presentations, so I will try to put together some slides, and I think Anton will do the same.

For the Carlow people, don't forget that we have trains as well as buses :-)


Sep 8, 2011, 11:31:05 AM9/8/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
That's fine with me!

Could we have the address of exactly where we're going near Heuston
and any details like a contact number? Also, what time will we meet

And, by the way, thanks for organizing the session guys.


On Sep 8, 3:41 pm, Michael Connors <> wrote:
> Sorry for the radio silence, I was on an overnight ferry journey from
> France. First chance I had to see my email.

Diarmuid Gill

Sep 8, 2011, 12:31:03 PM9/8/11

AOL are in

The Brunel Building, 7th Floor
Heuston South Quarter
Dublin 8

How about from 7pm?

Can all of you please reply and say if you will definitely be there so I can see which meeting room AV setup will suit best? If any of you need parking please email me directly at and I will send directions on where to park and get your reg number added to security's list so you don't get clamped.


Anton Krasovsky

Sep 8, 2011, 12:46:07 PM9/8/11
Hi Diarmuid,

thanks for directions! I'll be definitely coming, and 7pm suites me fine. BTW, would the projector there have a DVI/HDMI/DisplayPort connector or it's VGA only?



Sep 8, 2011, 12:53:15 PM9/8/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
Hi Diarmuid,

Please count me in and thanks for hosting this.
Best regards

On Sep 8, 5:46 pm, Anton Krasovsky <> wrote:
> Hi Diarmuid,
> thanks for directions! I'll be definitely coming, and 7pm suites me fine.
> BTW, would the projector there have a DVI/HDMI/DisplayPort connector or it's
> VGA only?
> Regards,
> Anton
> On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Diarmuid Gill <>wrote:
> > Hi,
> > AOL are in
> > The Brunel Building, 7th Floor
> > Heuston South Quarter
> > Dublin 8
> > How about from 7pm?
> > Can all of you please reply and say if you will definitely be there so I
> > can see which meeting room AV setup will suit best? If any of you need
> > parking please email me directly at and I will


Sep 8, 2011, 12:53:53 PM9/8/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
I'll be there. I mentioned the meeting to a friend who isn't part of
the group but expressed an interest ... if I can confirm whether he's
interested would it be OK to bring him along? I'll provide his name if
he's interested in attending


On Sep 8, 5:31 pm, Diarmuid Gill <> wrote:
> Hi,
> AOL are in
> The Brunel Building, 7th Floor
> Heuston South Quarter
> Dublin 8
> How about from 7pm?
> Can all of you please reply and say if you will definitely be there so I can see which meeting room AV setup will suit best? If any of you need parking please email me directly at and I will send directions on where to park and get your reg number added to security's list so you don't get clamped.

Diarmuid Gill

Sep 8, 2011, 1:18:57 PM9/8/11
I'm guessing the attendance will be in the range 10-15 but the more people who are interested the better as it will make for a better discussion.


Sep 9, 2011, 3:54:28 AM9/9/11
to Ireland Erlang User Group
Looks like there'll be at least one possibly two other people coming
with me: Brett (probably) and Sean (possible).

Looking forward to it! And thanks once again to you guys for

Diarmuid Gill

Sep 9, 2011, 12:02:16 PM9/9/11
Hi Anton

I believe it does. It definitely has the connector for the mini-displayport on a Macbook Pro.


Anton Krasovsky

Sep 9, 2011, 12:14:47 PM9/9/11
Thanks Diarmuid!


Malcolm Dowse

Sep 12, 2011, 7:52:18 AM9/12/11
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Diarmuid Gill <> wrote:
> Hi,
> AOL are in
> The Brunel Building, 7th Floor
> Heuston South Quarter
> Dublin 8
> How about from 7pm?

I should be along tonight. Thanks very much for organising this.


Diarmuid Gill

Sep 12, 2011, 12:06:20 PM9/12/11
to Diarmuid Gill,
Hi all,

Here are the confirmed attendees for this evening.

Michael C.
Andy W.
Brett H.
Philip C.
Anton K.
Malcolm D.
Dave K.
Arkaitz J.
John m.
Pawel S.
Stephen R.
Marcin O.
Jakub J.
Darwin S.
Diarmuid G.

See you all later.

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