Today I'm 31. Despite what everyone tells you ladies - 30 wasn't
terrible. It was a hard year because we lost a dear, dear friend. It was
a hard year because our daughter still isn't home from Thailand. It was
a beautiful year, because we got to travel again, and be with the
precious children we care for in Asia. But mostly - it was just a year.
And any year is what you make it.
At 31, I still wholeheartedly believe everything I wrote last year. If you're struggling with agi
ng - please, please read this: [ What I Really Think About Turning 30 ]. It's not my most popular blog, but it's probably my most favorite -
because I felt SO alive and SO grateful and SO powerful writing it.
Please know ladies - these words aren't meant to shame you, but to
empower you!! I know this is a huge issue for so many women (and some
men too!) I see the Facebook posts. I hear the comments. I almost let it
be an issue myself. But friends - we don't have to respond to our
birthdays with fear or shame. We all have things we want to change,
things we didn't accomplish, and milestones we haven't met - but we
don't have to live in regret. We don't have to wallow and grieve. We
don't have to respond to aging the way society tells us to! WE GET TO
We have the power to change our perspective, to change
our mind, to change our response! As one of my favorite bloggers
Glennon Melton says - "let's put on our "perspectacles!" We can choose to age
joyfully, gratefully and gracefully. WE GET TO CHOOSE! Every year is a
gift. So, here's to another glorious year!!!
Posted By Ericka B. Jackson to
The Jacksons' Journey at 1/15/2015 12:38:00 PM