Using EDDType EDDGridSideBySide

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Hui Shi - NOAA Affiliate

Jan 9, 2024, 6:38:46ā€ÆPMJan 9
Hello all!
I'm trying toĀ combine two or more datasets with shared axises and serve them as oneĀ datasetĀ on ERDDAP, i.e., to have multiple options in the "Color:" dropdown menu. I am starting with twoĀ child datasets with different dataset IDs, andĀ was looking at the classĀ EDDGridSideBySide.Ā 

When I try to generate the dataset xml file, the list of EDDType options does not include EDDSideBySide. Is there a way to add it to the list? After adding this dataset type,Ā how/where could I specify the two child datasetsĀ in the xml file? And is it correct to put all the netcdf files (for two different variables) in one folder?

Does anyone perhaps have experience with this erddap dataset type? Your help is much appreciated!


Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal

Jan 9, 2024, 7:19:37ā€ÆPMJan 9
to Hui Shi - NOAA Affiliate, ERDDAP
Hi Daisy:

I can send you some examples tomorrow. But can you provide more info as about the datasets - ie what axes they share, what if any is the overlap in the coordinaet valuse and any attempts you have made to combine them. Generally the more information you can provide about the problem the better.


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Jan 10, 2024, 12:47:13ā€ÆPMJan 10
Daisy, although you didn't explicitly say it, I gather that you wonder why there is no EDDGridSideBySide in the GenerateDatasetsXml program. The reason is that EDDGridSideBySide works with any type of EDDGrid dataset. So the way to create one of these datasets is to create the 2 (or more) datasets (usually starting with GenerateDatasetsXml for each of them) that you want to combine; get them working independently in ERDDAP; then put them both within an EDDGridSideBySide dataset that you create, by hand in a text editor, in datasets.xml. (See the skeleton xml for EDDGridSideBySide in setupDatasetsXml.html that shows the required structure of the xml.)Ā  There might be an example in the datasets.xml that comes inĀ 

Hui Shi - NOAA Affiliate

Jan 12, 2024, 5:38:19ā€ÆPMJan 12
to bobsimons2.00, Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal, ERDDAP
Thank you Roy and Bob!Ā 
I was able to combine the two datasets and serve them as one on ERDDAPĀ by adding selected skeleton XMLĀ in the dataset.xml file. The EDDGridSideBySide is a such nice and convenient feature to use and the examples you shared really helped:Ā


Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal

Jan 12, 2024, 6:08:44ā€ÆPMJan 12
to Hui Shi - NOAA Affiliate, bobsimons2.00, ERDDAP
Glad you got it to work. ERDDAP has a lot of nice and somewhat unique features.


Hui Shi - NOAA Affiliate

Jan 12, 2024, 6:18:30ā€ÆPMJan 12
to Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal, bobsimons2.00, ERDDAP
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