Re: Can't delay load NCSEcw.dll

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Intergraph Geospatial Forum - Automated Email

Oct 18, 2013, 9:53:34 AM10/18/13

Re: Can't delay load NCSEcw.dll
By pmeems in ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 SDK

I've made some progress.

I rebuild GDAL with the static version of the ECW file and also used the static lib in MapWinGIS. Now I don't have any compile error anymore.
These are now my GDAL settings:
            -I$(ECWDIR)\include \
            -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/API \
            -I$(ECWDIR)\include/NCSECW/JP2 \
ECWLIB   =  $(ECWDIR)\lib\vc90\$(PLATFORM_NAME)\NCSEcwS.lib

GdalInfo.exe can open all 3 sample files:

  • Greyscale.ecw
  • Greyscale2.jp2
  • Greyscale2.ntf

MapWinGIS (which is an ActiveX control you can drop on your WinForms application) can also display the ecw file. But the ntf file takes forever (freezes the application) and opening the jp2 results in a SEHException.

In MapWinGIS we 'just' call GDALOpen(). Our function to open image files is called LoadRaster and is the first method in

Most likely I'm not building correctly (gdal and/or MapWinGIS) but I'm not sure how to fix this.

Our Visual Studio 2008 project can be found here:
We use "Release|Win32", which is the first configuration.



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