New ECW Whitepaper available

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Aug 8, 2013, 11:19:03 PM8/8/13

New ECW Whitepaper available
By Chris Tweedie in ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 SDK

To answer many common questions received by customers there is a new whitepaper and sample data available from the ECW JP2 SDK Product Literature page titled, "Analyzing the ECW Format Lifecycle". Not only does this address key technology questions but the sample data pack includes 8 different ECW target compressed files allowing anyone curious about the encode capability to analyze the quality of the format without acquiring an encode license.

This is the first in a series of whitepapers that will be published this year looking at different aspects of the SDK including head-to-head ECW vs JP2 comparison, 16bit compression results, Mobile platform CPU requirements and comparisons against other image compression formats such as JPEG compressed TIFF.

Feedback or suggestions are always welcome



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