Can't delay load NCSEcw.dll

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Oct 8, 2013, 7:57:07 AM10/8/13

Can't delay load NCSEcw.dll
By pmeems in ERDAS ECW JPEG2000 SDK

I have compiled GDAL v1.10 with the ECW JPEG2000 SDK v5.0.
gdal_translate can open ecw files, so it is working OK.

We use GDAL in our Open Source GIS application MapWinGIS (, written in VC++. With previous versions of the SDK we've always used /delayload to delay load the dlls.

Now I get this error:
fatal error LNK1194: cannot delay-load 'NCSEcw.dll' due to import of data symbol '"__declspec(dllimport) const NCS::CMutex::`vftable'" (__imp_??_7CMutex@NCS@@6B@)'; link without /DELAYLOAD:NCSEcw.dll

I'm not sure what to do know. Can anybody assist?



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