Hi everyone in this community,
I was trying to customize the IDF file so that EnergyPlus can generate monthly consumption data for different types of fuels. I did this successfully for "Electricity" by appending the following code into the IDF file:
End Use Energy Consumption Electricity Monthly, ! Name
3, ! Digits After Decimal
Cooling:Electricity, ! Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, ! Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
However, if I replace "Electricity" with "Other Fuel", this approach no longer works; I could not get monthly data of Cooling, Heating, Lighting, etc., which use "Other Fuel" as their fuel type. "Other Fuel" here refers to the fuel type that is neither "Electricity" nor "Natural Gas".
I am wondering if EnergyPlus provides any sort of methods that allows me to get the monthly consumption data for "Other Fuel". I have briefly gone through relevant sections in this and this, but did not find anything helpful. Is there anyone who could provide me any additional documentation, references, or comments about this issue?