Energy plus 8.1 how to modify source code?

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Anurag singh bhuwal

Sep 28, 2015, 6:06:10 AM9/28/15
to EPx Developers
Hi all,
I am using energy plus 8.1, I am facing problem here when I am manually importing the source code which I downloaded from the site for the same version which i am using in eclipse. I have chosen manually importing source code because in my eclipse there is no option of SVN is coming which is used using subclipse import method instead of SVN, RPN is coming below run/debug. Problem is when I am importing and selecting the root directory for source code, it is not automatically detecting the source code is a part eclipse project.  Can anyone tell me what is the problem here?  

Thanks & Regards,

Neal Kruis

Sep 29, 2015, 9:47:38 AM9/29/15
to EPx Developers
Hi Anurag,

Is there a reason you want to use the 8.1 Fortran version instead of the latest C++ version (8.4)?

To use the 8.1 Fortran you must make sure you are downloading from the epx_dev branch of the source code.

Neal Kruis
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