calling volunteers for upcoming releases of epubcheck

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Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken

Jul 6, 2017, 3:12:05 PM7/6/17

Hello epubcheck community,


I have been working with the W3C EPUB 3 Community Group to maintain and improve epubcheck. In the past few years, this work has been done primarily by one person with several helpers. We know how valuable epubcheck is, and we are calling on this community to volunteer.


Here is an overview of epubcheck status and plans [1]. Meeting minutes and summaries are available at [2]. A summary of today’s meeting coming soon.


What do we need from you?


  1. Development assistance. Have you contributed to epubcheck in the past? Are you a Java developer? We are targeting an August release of epubcheck 4.0.1. We have not yet established a timeline for a release with support for EPUB 3.1, but we need to get started.
  2. Development help for issue checking and reviewing. There are a number of open issues at [3]. We need people with epucheck dev experience to work on sorting through these issues, propose solutions as pull requests, and review resolutions proposed by others. (timeline: end of July 2017 into August)
  3. Marketing! We need a little bit of marketing help to make it clear why we are doing a maintenance without support for 3.1. We have some volunteers already, so this is not as important (timeline: end of July 2017 into August)
  4. Experienced GitHub users who also know EPUB to assist with test suite reorganization per Romain’s instructions [4]. We are dividing the files among several people so that this not too large a task.


If you are available for any of these tasks or are interested in learning more about the future of epubcheck, please contact me or just respond to this email.


To join the task force working on epubcheck, go to Our next meeting is on 3 August.











Tzviya Siegman

Information Standards Lead




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