How to external API call

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Farjan Hasan

Sep 18, 2021, 1:24:26 AM9/18/21
to EPrints UK User Group

Dear All,
I'm Farjan. I want to customize EPrints login authentication system.
My Flow

01. When User Login EPrints First Check User Exists.
      Yes: Normally Login as will as EPrints System

      No: Call My Custom API Request With Send Username and Password
             My API Return User Information If Found Or Null Object.

             Yes: If User Data Found Then Create New User and also Authentication Successfully to redirect Dashboard
              No: Login Warning Show

I'm already checked `Add a parallel authentication routine` in EPrints. i need api call for EPrints core system.

dir: perl_lib > EPrints > Plugin > Screen > Login >


John Salter

Sep 18, 2021, 6:00:07 PM9/18/21
to Farjan Hasan, EPrints UK User Group
Hi Farjan,
I think this page on the EPrints wiki is a good place to start for your question:
The part I've linked to is the most relevant and does something similar to what you ask for.

For technical questions like this, the best place to ask is the EPrints tech list - details here:


From: <> on behalf of Farjan Hasan <>
Sent: 18 September 2021 06:24
To: EPrints UK User Group <>
Subject: How to external API call
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Farjan Hasan

Sep 21, 2021, 6:09:45 AM9/21/21
to John Salter, EPrints UK User Group
Thank you all i solved my problem and successfully integrated my system.

Best Regards
Md Farjan Hasan
Jr. Software Programmer(CIS)
World University of Bangladesh

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