The white paper, that aspires to "lead a debate on world-class
pedagogy both within and outside the classroom, is generating a lot
of discussion about teacher licensing etc, but not a lot, yet, about
the teaching and learning environments it is trying to promote.
It describes schools that provide learning environments where every
learner is “taught in a way that meets their needs". Where "the
curriculum is tailored to every child’s needs”; a curriculum that is
“broad, balanced and flexible” and includes “skills for learning and
life"; a curriculum that ensures that they are equipped to “succeed in
this changing world" and that they are “inspired to develop a lifelong
love of learning".
Learners working in an environment that offers learners better
“curriculum and qualification choices” and provides activities and
opportunities that are appropriate to individual learning needs, by
“tailoring teaching methods and the curriculum". They are expected to
use “proven, evidence-based teaching and learning practices, such as
assessment for learning”. The teaching practice will be “focused on
the strengths, weaknesses and needs of each child."
The report adds a new feature to the existing expectation that school
should support personalised learning; it adds the "entitlement to
personalised support for every child". Learners operating in a
Personal Learning Environment, with 1:1 support.
It recognises the "new challenges” created by our world and society,
and the resulting demand for “higher skills”, including:
• “key skills in science, technology and mathematics"
• "the opportunity to gain functional skills "
• “personal, learning and thinking skills so that they have strong
• "functional skills in En and ma needed for life, as well as the key
personal, learning and thinking skills” .
It emphasises the value of collaboration between schools and providers
and details an expectation that “schools take some responsibility for
pupils in the area more widely". The school is no longer expected to
only service the learning needs of those in its classroom; it must
look to the wider community and learners, anywhere anytime. New
challenges and opportunities enabled by "(ICT), and online systems and
resources in schools” to provide greater flexibility for learners at
school and at home. With every learner having “access to modern, high
quality information technology, equipment and other facilities."
It describes an environment where the teachers is a life-long learner
supported by partnerships that “create opportunities for sharing
professional development, for examining practice elsewhere" with
teachers having an entitlement to continuous professional development.
Personalisation that relies on curriculum choice, thay relies on
assessment for learning, that relies on the ePortfolio process – they
must have read
Or should I read it again?