Where and Who is God ?

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Oct 28, 2009, 5:09:19 AM10/28/09
to Epistemology
Where and Who is God ?

By idea the God ( HE / SHE / IT ) must be :
Something Infinity Absolute it means to be in every place
And something Absolute Concrete/ Limited it means
to be exactly in the concrete place.

Can God create our World without physics laws and formulas ?
The answer is: No !
Have physicists found these two Absolute parameters
in the Universe ?
My answer is: Yes !
One Infinity Absolute Parameter is Vacuum: T=0K.
Second Absolute Concrete/ Limited Parameter is speed of
Quantum of Light in Vacuum: c=1.

Using these two Absolute Parameters I explain
the creation of the Universe step by step.
== .
Thomas Jefferson wrote in the letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6,
/ ...the more a subject is understood,
the more briefly it may be explained. /

Einstein said:
/ You do not really understand something unless
you can explain it to your grandmother. /

I think everybody can understand my theory.
==== .
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.

===================== . .

Hem Joshi

Oct 29, 2009, 3:38:55 AM10/29/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
Hi there, the concept of existence God and all other laws of physics, chemistry and others are the creation of humans which we have developed   for our own easiness. The day to day incidents which occur in everyone's life (whether he/she likes it or not) too  force us to believe in this concept existence of God. Therefore, since the existence our forefather to infinity this concept will remain evergreen.

Everyone is invited to explore this! 
hem joshi
with regards,

Hem Joshi


Oct 29, 2009, 7:43:06 AM10/29/09
to Epistemology

Science and Religion: Is there a conflict?
Or maybe:
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
/ Albert Einstein. /
Or maybe:
All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.
/ Albert Einstein. /
Science and Religion: Is there any conflict?
Or maybe there isn’t any conflict.
Religion or Physics ? Faith or Knowledge ?
Or maybe our stupidity asks these questions.
===== .

================== . .


Oct 29, 2009, 8:21:06 AM10/29/09
to Epistemology

Serenity Smiles

Oct 29, 2009, 4:47:51 PM10/29/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
and were back to cyclic existence, emptiness is form and form is emptiness.

From: <socr...@bezeqint.net>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 11:43 AM
To: "Epistemology" <episte...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [epistemology 10908] Re: Where and Who is God ?

Serenity Smiles

Oct 29, 2009, 10:01:22 PM10/29/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
The only thing missing in all of these equations and communications is, of
course, the concept of "evil" the opposite of "live" as indeed, when we
"are" or "feel" evil, this usually, leads to "death", whether in wars,
illegal killing, or a breakdown in communication, or the end of a
relationship between a man and a woman. So, If I was or am either "Empty",
(as in athiest), or "Mother Nature", or a "God" or "Goddess" or even
"Allah" or any other kind of philosophically or religious based created
belief system.
(dependent upon the environmental situation and condition of one's birth),
which happens to be empty in my case, as I never was christened, and, as a
practicing Buddhist, and who definitely does believe in reincarnation, what
I would choose to care to remember is indeed the following criteria:

1. Money is probably one of the biggest roots of evil and if I had been
Alexander the Great in my previous life then, I would certainly be
apologising for the way that it has been corrupted and hoarded (No one
should have to pay for the right to obtain a true and accurate validatable
education) and I would be looking for a better way of dividing wealth that
is more fair and just based upon independent validatable merits regardless
of background, religion, creed or colour. in order that all peoples of the
world may be fed and educated in a way that promotes a healthy organic and
more importantly happy planet which creates the good climate we need to
sustain life.

2. Ignorance, and here when I am discussing "Ignorance", I am not only
referring to Ignorance as in just a lack of education but, Ignorance as in
prejudism and discrimination, whether it be religious prejudism or
discrimination of Jews against Gentiles, Moslems against Christians,
Catholics against women, Men against Women, but also how Ignorance prevails
in the laws that we make, that lead to bad views and bad feelings, through
secrets and lies, (deception); and when the Ignorance of Deception arises
through the adoption of inaccurately recorded historical data or the lack of
validatable accurate information being freely available and understood. how
this, throughout the ages has lead to war, discrimination and prejudism
time and time again.

So, as a practicing Buddhist, who has suffered all of these conditions, from
my own family, Country and also friends and colleagues, as I believe in
reincarnation and if, I was fortunate enough to obtain an optimistic future
human rebirth, whether male or female or from whatever Country. I know what
the solution I would wish for and that would be the elimination of

What I would choose to remember here is that, firstly, Less is More. If I
could just convince the Heads of all the Countries of the World of the
Wisdom of the ability to strip away the layers of time and to be able to
look back through time to as far as we can just so for that one moment only
when we can positively assimilate and record in validatable agreement with
all the Countries in consentualised democratic agreement of how it was
shaped and conceptually formed then; THEN we have the basis and foundation
to see how the layers have been humanly created, without discrimination or
prejudism or blame to lead us to the point where we are at today. Then we
would have the validatable information deposited in a bank of wisdom, and
with wisdom managers comes solutions.

Secondly, happiness, we all want happiness, and yet because of ignorance we
all suffer less happiness. Eliminate prejudism and discrimination and our
internal systems will be allowed to feel more happiness, Fear and anger and
all the negative conditions can only arise because of Ignorance, and
stubborn belligerance is the wages of war. REMEMBER THIS, those that create
these wars, from whatever side or nation never fight it out between
themselves, oh no, they sit back and watch, and eat and relax, and cheat
whilst you, kill yourself.
Its always an inside job and they are the ones who are "guilty of immoral
behaviour" for if they are enjoying the feast of the fruits of your labour
then this is where the laws need to be created to protect the innocent. For
whomsoever can enjoy digestion whilst knowing that there are those who are
suffering and killing themselves because of their actions then this is
nothing more than DECEPTION.

3. Cheating, there is no cheating, cheating is fraud, fraud is deception,
deception is ignorance. If you cheat you only cheat yourself and ultimately
you will lose.

Enough for now, too much indigestion and too much blah blah blah (for any of
you who have managed to have got this far). Just still my desire for a
peaceful existence in a just and fair world, with the best possible

Love and prayers to you all, and may the whole world become a wish
fulfilling gem for the benefit of all sentient beings.

From: "ornamentalmind" <ornamen...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:21 PM
To: "Epistemology" <episte...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [epistemology 10909] Re: Where and Who is God ?

Serenity Smiles

Oct 30, 2009, 6:28:15 AM10/30/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
So in physics when Einstein and all you quantuum physics guys discuss
"Vacuum" could vacuum be the consequences of evil??? the unjust nameless
deaths of the planet??? created but not by nature but by deception???

From: "ornamentalmind" <ornamen...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:21 PM
To: "Epistemology" <episte...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [epistemology 10909] Re: Where and Who is God ?

gideon makus

Oct 30, 2009, 7:43:02 AM10/30/09
to epistemology
Science and Religion  work hand in hand, if there are contradictions in two
statements there is always a link between them that is why we  compare this two:As i have come to learn from your previous notes  

the more a subject is understood,
 the more briefly it may be explained

Therefore as long as we aspire to seek knowledge as to Who is GOD and Where he is, there will always be a a theory which needs to be explained which is void(empty) therefore it come to a VACUUM, Space as theory... 

Serenity Smiles

Oct 31, 2009, 4:55:29 AM10/31/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
I (the Queen)


Nov 1, 2009, 1:19:40 AM11/1/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
God is absolute truth.
The "word of God" is the Law. (Laws of Nature, etc.)
Some theories have been written down only to be found later and turned into Theology.

Those who seek absolute truth, can't accept the experience of others, they must experience to know absolutely.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From: "Serenity Smiles" <gentle....@hotmail.co.uk>
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 08:55:29 -0000
Subject: [epistemology 10914] Bodicea

Georges Metanomski

Nov 1, 2009, 5:35:48 AM11/1/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com

--- On Sun, 11/1/09, trit...@comcast.net <trit...@comcast.net> wrote:

> God is absolute truth.The "word of God" is
> the Law.
"Gott mit uns" was the Law which established Auschwitz and
all the rest.


Nov 1, 2009, 8:16:53 AM11/1/09
to Epistemology
Absolute values tend to explode,
We can see that sadly all days in crowed markets by murderous suicidal
lunatic absolute followers bombers. Absolute values like other's

The message is: I'm the Absolute, follow me or die

Like the uggly mother saying to her baby:
"Mother's gonna make all your nightmares come true..." Pink Floyd

So buy a book, stop talking "Those who....", and learn to take the
blow, life is richer than your little god
> 2009/10/28 socra...@bezeqint.net <socra...@bezeqint.net>
>  http://www.worldnpa.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&i...
>   ===================== . .

Serenity Smiles

Nov 1, 2009, 8:27:23 AM11/1/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
In the UK BSC is mad cows disease whether in a car registration (a pair of
Highway Robbers that turn you to drink and give you bad visions, that are
known as DT's) or evens a Scowl

From: "Georges Metanomski" <zg...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 10:35 AM
To: <episte...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [epistemology 10916] Re: Bodicea

Serenity Smiles

Nov 1, 2009, 9:09:13 AM11/1/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
Hey baby, both can apply, there is the saying here "If you want to learn the
hard way" or the highest path, then I guess you would see or experience
everything that is possible a man or woman can do to another and visa versa
in all directions. (Dynamic from great bliss to the greatest hell) But, only
a serious and experienced meditator would choose to adopt such a path for
the highest prize, because to truly envisage or see the horrors or horoscope
of time. Because only then can you truly understand why you cannot bear to
see suffering. Remember no thing is original please.

In order to eliminate people who desire to explode. Then we have to
eliminate the wrong thinking that EXposes People Looking Only Downwards

From: "einseele" <eins...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 1:16 PM
To: "Epistemology" <episte...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [epistemology 10917] Re: Bodicea

Serenity Smiles

Nov 1, 2009, 9:48:22 AM11/1/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
Alan Johnson (our red cheeked minister, is it home affairs??? I keep coming
back to China lol) is really looking foolish lol, he is so off his Nutt
(Prof). All his drug advisors are about to quit. Maybe to take up smoking
pot lol. I never think prohibition works, it leads to black markets, gun
and knife crime, theft, murder etc etc.. It didnt in the US over alcohol,
and as we have seen in the UK and USA the more they have tried to stop the
more and the more diverse over time the use of different narcotics has
become, from natural to manufactured . When I was young, we didn't have
half of the problems of anti-social behaviour through alcohol like we have
now, we didn't have half as many drugs either. (That is a fact, Mr.
Johnson). Was it not the US government that first developed LSD which it
used as experiments in the most incredible dosages to see if it could be
used as a weapon? Its only your created laws of fish ally creation, the
"fear of God" that creates mindless behaviour. So what is wrong with Mr.
Johnson, to disagree with his experts? I agree with his experts, alcohol,
refined drugs such as cocaine and heroin are far more lethal and harmful.

Mr. Johnson, stop going over the top over pot, or are you just against
fighting crime???

From: "ornamentalmind" <ornamen...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:21 PM
To: "Epistemology" <episte...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [epistemology 10909] Re: Where and Who is God ?


Nov 2, 2009, 4:22:48 AM11/2/09
to Epistemology
“… Was it not the US government that first developed LSD which it
used as experiments in the most incredible dosages to see if it could
used as a weapon?...” – SS

IF by ‘first developed’ you mean created and/or invented, no, the US
government did not invent LSD. In fact, it wasn’t even invented in the

From the inventor.




General history on the topic.


One of many books that include information on how the US government
used this drug.


By the way, I give ‘god google’ credit for finding the above
information! ;-)

On Nov 1, 6:48 am, "Serenity Smiles" <gentle.esse...@hotmail.co.uk>
> Alan Johnson (our red cheeked minister, is it home affairs??? I keep coming
> back to China lol) is really looking foolish lol, he is so off his Nutt
> (Prof).  All his drug advisors are about to quit.  Maybe to take up smoking
> pot lol.  I never think prohibition works, it leads to black markets, gun
> and knife crime, theft, murder etc etc..  It didnt in the US over alcohol,
> and as we have seen in the UK and USA the more they have tried to stop the
> more and the more diverse over time the use of different narcotics has
> become, from natural to manufactured .  When I was young, we didn't have
> half of the problems of anti-social behaviour through alcohol like we have
> now, we didn't have half as many drugs either. (That is a fact, Mr.
> Johnson).  Was it not the US government that first developed LSD which it
> used as experiments in the most incredible dosages to see if it could be
> used as a weapon?  Its only your created laws  of fish ally creation, the
> "fear of God"  that creates mindless behaviour.  So what is wrong with Mr.
> Johnson, to disagree with his experts?  I agree with his experts, alcohol,
> refined drugs such as cocaine and heroin are far more lethal and harmful.
> Mr. Johnson, stop going over the top over pot, or are you just against
> fighting crime???
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "ornamentalmind" <ornamentalm...@yahoo.com>
> Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:21 PM
> To: "Epistemology" <episte...@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: [epistemology 10909] Re: Where and Who is God ?
> >http://www.don-lindsay-archive.org/skeptic/arguments.html#middle
> > On Oct 29, 4:43 am, "socra...@bezeqint.net" <socra...@bezeqint.net>
> > wrote:
> >> Science and Religion: Is there a conflict?
> >> Or maybe:
> >> Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
> >>   / Albert Einstein. /
> >> Or maybe:
> >> All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.
> >> / Albert Einstein. /
> >> #
> >> Science and Religion: Is there any conflict?
> >> Or maybe there isn’t any conflict.
> >> Religion or Physics ?  Faith or Knowledge ?
> >> Or maybe our stupidity asks these questions.
> >> ===== .
> >> Socratus.
> >>http://www.worldnpa.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&i...
> >> ================== . .- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Serenity Smiles

Nov 2, 2009, 9:47:00 AM11/2/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
Thank you, so it was not, I shall remember this.

From: "ornamentalmind" <ornamen...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 9:22 AM
To: "Epistemology" <episte...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [epistemology 10921] Re: On a lighter note (hee hee get it) Current
Affairs UK the drugs Row


Nov 2, 2009, 1:14:57 AM11/2/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
Which is more the crime? Taking away someones right to be responsible, and substitute it with laws declaring what is right or wrong? or educating people to the extent they can make the right choice on their own?

There was a time when Rock and Roll was considered to be harmful to society, yet without the ability to make that choice for yourself, you become less capable of making others.

The law can't dictate the choices you make, anymore than it can dictate the weather. What is in nature cannot be restricted by laws of something that doesn't exist by nature. The more we restrict the decisions by law, the less we educate people to the proper degree to be truly independent. We shouldn't replace dependency with dependency.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Serenity Smiles" <gentle....@hotmail.co.uk>
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 14:48:22
To: <episte...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [epistemology 10920] On a lighter note (hee hee get it) Current
Affairs UK the drugs Row

Serenity Smiles

Nov 3, 2009, 5:41:54 AM11/3/09
to episte...@googlegroups.com
Here, Here, oh ya, In deed, I wish this to be true. However, this is a
politician's job to second guess the climate of the population, in order, to
win votes. In the UK with an ever increasing aging populus, the weather of
the whether is more likely to be cold. Now, if, Little B.O. Peep in the
good old US. of A. could raise his pupils in an enlightened manner, and his
flock of pupils of his mainstream education system, of the benefits of an
enlightened education, wisdom over ignorance, then, maybe, the political
sheep of the U.K. will follow wagging their tails. After All, history has
proven that whether it be conservative or Labour, all political leaders,
over the past 30 years alone, have had no problem in working alongside the
U.S. I cite from Margaret Thatcher, with Ronald Reagan to Tony Blair and
George (excuse me whilst I gasp for breath) Bush. Now, Tony Blair could
bring this Country to war over mindless information (no conceptualised
existence) and still escape the label of being branded delusional and
psychotic. Its still the pot calling the kettle black.
Ask the politicians, why this Country advocates that children have to grow
up always having to learn the hard way? The Wisdom of hind (the back end of
a deer) sight looking backwards, behind, instead of forwards? Ask any
child if he would prefer to be always looking behind them or if they would
prefer to be looking forwards to something and I am sure the child would
reply I am looking forward. It still puzzles me why our political system
promotes crime? Do they just want to keep it all for themselves???

From: <trit...@comcast.net>
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 6:14 AM
To: <episte...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [epistemology 10924] Re: On a lighter note (hee hee get it)
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